Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birth Day Hunter
Hunter Stanley Harrington

It is hard to believe that he is now 7 years old! I can still remember him as a baby needing so much and now he seems to need so little! I am lucky these days to get hugs and kisses are virtually unheard of. Each hug and kiss I do receive usually for no reason are to be treasured.
He is so independent now and since he is only 7 I am aware that it has only begun!
He has become quite the Transformer fanatic and decided all he wanted for his birthday was Transformers!
We started the day early wanting to catch all the sunshine we could so we went to check out Optimus and his new cage. He seemed to "dig" his new cage and dirt for he had already burrowed into it and made a home for himself. I am just amazed that both kids enjoy holding him and both are showing how they can hold him with out squeezing the poop out of him. I most amazed by Heather because I thought she would not hold him but she seems more amazed by him than Hunter even, which should be no surprise considering her love of animals!

This is Hunter with his turn at holding the little guy

Heath holding Optimus
Yes, she is kissing the snake!
Heather holding Optimus

Maybe he could be a snake charmer?
After picking up the Transformer's cake and matching decorations we headed to Chuckie's for cake, pizza and games. Hunter had decided that was were he wanted his birthday party to be and we thought because Lincoln was bigger that their Chuckies would be larger with more games. In fact it was way smaller with fewer games with half of them broken. The kids really didn't care so that was all that really mattered. We ordered pizza and played the games that did work.

This is Hunter and Great Grandma Fransico. To the right is the evil Transformer's cake. (You will see why in a few pictures)
Hunter right after cake.....
Hunter after the cake kicked in.

Heather after the cake kicked in...

Dillan after the cake.

The cake turned anything it touched blue. It stained clothing, faces, hands and tables. No one left this party without being covered in blue dye. A call will be placed to the store in regards to the amount of die they are using because now hands and faces are not the only things blue...
Oh well the kids love it even if it was a parents nightmare!

Grandma Fransico and Dillan's grandma Linda

Hunter: "Pizza, GET IN MY TUMMY!"
Yes, he is licking his present, it had frosting on it.
She is just gaurding the cake to make sure no one steals taste of the frosting
Dillan describing what he wrote on his card to Hunter and Hunter just wanting to open his present!
This is very serious business
Deep Desert Brawl
Oh yes a Barbie was given, he was not very happy about either because we built it up like it was a very special present. I wrapped it in several layers and when he finally did open it he threw it and yelled "GROSS". We had been teasing him that all he was getting for his birthday was Barbies so we had to give him one!

Tickets won!
Dillan being a HAMRiding the jet ski game
Putting the Transformers together...

This is Heath trying to transform the Deep Desert Brawl. He tried for ten then it was given to me to figure out. This thing came with detailed instructions and while I felt cool being the one who figured it out now I am kicking myself in the butt. Every time Hunter wants it put back in tank form guess who he asks?Pretty Heather posing for the camera! Wow she is smiling. She had a hard weekend due to it being Hunter's birthday and the attention he has gotten. Plus she has been getting moody now when she does not get her way. We have nicknamed her Moopy when she is moody because she walks like Eyore and sounds like him to!

Took them to the park to play ball but all they wanted to do was play TRANSFORMERS! Oh well at least they are not fighting!
Well that was the day. We headed home with Hunter scoring over 6 new Transformers and Transformer shirt and Pants and one new Barbie. My friends from work even brought him a bag full of candy!


Stan Harrington said...

A barbie doll for my grandson! Sounds like all of you had a fun day, but I would check with the bakery about the blue dye in the frosting, that stuff looked terrible. You have to find the song for Hunter and Heather, about "sneaky snake" that sneaks up and drinks your root beer. I tried to explain it to him the other day, of course there was about a 55 year difference so he had never heard of "sneaky snake". Good pics and enjoyed seeing your party.

Stan Harrington said...

Erica, I found "Sneaky Snake", it was a Tom T. Hall song, I have posted the video on the HITW site, I think they will enjoy it.

real eyez said...

Yup we found it have all listened to it! The kids really enjoyed it and laughed really hard!

Golden Granny said...

Loved the pixs. I wish I could have been there to help celebrte. I think this is the first birthday I missed for Hunter. Alot of stuff has to change as time goes on, I guess. I does take some getting used to tho. Sneaky snake is kinda cute. You can have him, tho!