Monday, January 29, 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Story Part Two

The next morning the little girl woke up very early. She slipped put of bed and got dressed quickly, forgetting a button or two. She slipped on her jacket and rushed out to the door to meet her dragon.
She got to her Tree and sat beneath the branches just as the sun came up over the horizon.
Once again she watched and listened to the tree and the shadows it cast, every once and awhile her eyes drifting beyond the branches and their shadows, searching for a familiar shape.
Sitting beneath that tree the little girl's faith in dragon's never faltered. Even as the shadows moved across the ground and she knew that soon her grandma would be waking up and would have to get back to the house, she never gave up believing that she could see a dragon.
The Tree explained to the little girl that the morning needs to be colder. If it was colder dew would form on the Tree's branches catching the morning sunlight and this would attract any dragons that might be near. The Tree assured her that the next morning would be the perfect morning for sure.
The little girl thought that this would be a great idea. she closed her eyes and tried to imagine what the dew would look like sitting and rolling on the branches of the tree.
Eventually she stood up and told the tree she would be back the next morning, ready to see the dragons. Heading back to her grandma's house she had a mile on her face.
Dragon's love sparkly stuff, they would not be able to resist the reflection from the dew drops.
The day seemed to dragged by very slowly for the girl. She had a wonderful secret and could not tell anyone which was very hard for her. She tried to play with her brother but was to distracted. She tried to color pictures but could not get them right.
Then it was finally time to go to bed, and she fell asleep quickly, her bother by her side.
Dragons filled her dreams that night.
The sun was warm. The tree she lay beneath whispered to her. Things only she could understand. The thick branches swayed above her, fanning her while casting beautiful designs on the ground. Sometimes she pretended that the reflections were other worlds. She could spend hours playing in those worlds. She had seen many things in her short life. Pretty amazing and unbelievable things. She remembered every single one of her adventures. And she cherished them all.
Just like the reflections the tree cast, the little girl's thoughts were always changing.

One day her Grandma gave her a present. The little girl thought it only only fitting to open such a special gift beneath her tree. This was not hard for the tree was very close to her Grandmother's house. Once settled beneath her tree, the little girl open her gift. Sitting beneath that tree the little girl fell in love. The gift her Grandmother had given her was a book about dragons. She read the book from front to back, learning everything she could. When she was done she asked her tree about these dragons and why hadn't she seen them before. The tree confessed to knowing of such creatures and began telling the little girl all it knew. Which was quiet a bit because the tree was old and wise and quite frankly, liked to talk. The little girl listened though, from beginning to end. She learned everything she could.
She sat at the base of that tree for some time. She did not speak and did not move. The tree stood over her, guarding over her while she thought. The tree knew what the girl would ask next. She asked the tree how she could see a dragon.
The Tree told her that she needed to do a lot to see a dragon. She had to learn about them and understand them. She even had to learn to speak to them. She had to love them. Most of all she had to Believe in them. The little girl nodded and said she could do all those things. So she said farewell to her Grandma and her Tree, and went home.
Most little girls would have forgotten about their promise, but not this little girl. She went home and did everything she said she would. She found many books and she read them all. She watched videos, t.v. shows and surfed the web. Her wall began to fill with dragon posters. Her floor became lined with Dragon toys and stuffies. Her growing love for dragons even flowed into her school work. Every piece of art or story always had a dragon somewhere.
Even though she had learned so much and had devoted so much, one question still remained. Did the little girl actually believe in Dragons?
Oh, yes she did. Absolutely with all her heart.
So she went to her Grandma's house for a visit. After having lunch and tea with her Grandma and brother, the little girl went to her Tree.
As usual she sat beneath the tree and listened to it's whispers. She began to tell the tree all that she had learned. As she spoke the Tree listened not entirely to what she was saying, but how she was saying it. The Tree felt her love as she spoke. The Tree saw her face innocent, but sure. The Tree knew she believed. The tree told the girl this.
This made the girl very happy. So happy that she begged the Tree to tell her how to see Dragons.
The Tree could not resist her. The Tree asked the little girl what dragons liked. The little girl thought for a moment, then said Diamonds. The tree told the little girl that anything sparkly will attract the attention of any dragons nearby. The Tree also told the little girl that the best time to see dragons was early morning. Since there are less people up at that time, there is not so much disbelief in the air.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Well here is the NEW YEAR...whooh hooh. I guess the last few days have really blown by and I have been working my butt off. The rest of January will be the same. My lists of things to do in the next three months has grown so much in the last few days that I am thinking of making it a six month list. Oh well I have the feeling that I should appreciate the fact that I can make these lists and I should look forward to accomplishing them. I guess that is positive thinking which is part of my New Year's resolution. I am going to work on sending those pictures and saving them on a disk. Please be patient with my blog...I am experimenting with the new blogger.