Thursday, April 24, 2008

While the day dawned gray, it was looking to be a better day and as I peered out my window and looked at the heavy clouds it was warm and I felt better. The fever broke sometime last night and while I am still plagued with a rumbly stomach, I am thankful for how much better I do feel. I feel human again! Today was big hair/hat day at work so I started early this morning with a foot and a half bouffant. I went all out, using enough super hold hairspray to add a couple of miles to the hole in the Ozone layer! I also did the classic sixties make up, and while the look won me best hair style I am home now and trying to remove the almost solid mass from my head. DAMN it is near impossible! I do not know how the women of the sixties did this day after day. I know some used the hair piece but some did not. I know for the most part most girl's arsenal was hair spray but learned from several older ladies at work today that they, due to afford ability, used boiled sugar water the night before. One lady said once she used egg whites until her mother found out!
Anyways, enough about me!
Here is the picture of the kid's school I have been promising for the last couple of months! I am still very impressed with its beauty! I know the picture is not the best for detail, but I wanted to get the massiveness of the building and I did not get all the side wings! Imagine a school this size and NO parking lot!

This must have been taken by Heath as I do not remember taking it! It kind of caught me off guard! This is one of the little black squirrels that roam the neighborhood! It is a butt picture but still kind of neat! I would also like to mention at this point that we have also adopted another local species, or I should say the kids and Heath have adopted. We are now the proud owners of a snake. He is a Gardner snake and he has been named Optimus Prime (guess who). He is pretty mellow and hasn't bitten the kids yet and crawls over them. We will get some pictures of him maybe tomorrow! I am trying still to convince them to let him go!

Flash back: On our drive the other day we stopped at my old home town to take pictures. This is my old church!

This is my old school

the town's water tower, although I remember it being different when I was growing up.

Hunter being silly in the car!

Heather posing for the camera

Koda heading for another jump in the lake!

I am not sure if anyone can see WHAT my son is holding or the devilish look in his eyes, but I could tell he was up to no good! The canister was empty but in his boys mind it was a treasure that mom made him throw away!

Heather on the banks of the lake which we forgot the name to. Notice the wind blowing her shirt? It was windy but the wind was hot!

The house I grew up in

The corner lot where my Grandma Barrett's house once stood. When I was a kid my mom gave her ONE female cat. She bred a couple hundred cats and that is no lie! They were all wild and one of our games as kids was to catch one and then hold it by the tail as long as you could! Our arms were bloody by the time we were done. The house was burnt down after being purchased by the current land owner. Funny, it was the oldest house in Table Rock!

A tired Hunter and Koda

Koda fetching the stick

Hunter being really weird!

This was kind of cool. We go the Kansas and Nebraska signs together in one shot. Another neat fact, as soon as you cross the border to Kansas the roads get nicer! Seriously!

The original Station #1 of the Pony Express!

This was taken in Mary's Ville Kansas. The buildings here were so old and beautiful! I would love to go back with more time to take more pictures! We wanted to get a tour of the Pony Express Station but we missed it by 4 minutes! Bummer! We loaded back into the car and started our way back home with our windows rolled down which gave us a false feeling of being cooled off!


Stan Harrington said...

Some great pictures, for those following me, much more can be seen by enlarging them (click), the detail in some of the shots are great, especially the school. I loved the picture of the Pony Express Statue, I just put a blog on one of my other sites about Buffalo Bill who rode for hte express when he was a boy. The school is fantastic, how old is it? Garden snakes may not bite or they may bite but I know for a fact they will poop on you! Shane, Shana, Heidi and neigborhood kids use to collect them on Whidbey Island. I came home from work one night and they were all looking into this cardboard box so of course I had to check on what they were looking at - hundreds of snakes in this one box, it was a mass of snakes crawling over and under each other - hate snake! You guys have so much more to see down there, so much history! But, I have put Pony Express statue on my "Bucket List". Hunter sneaking away with the propane cannister - homemade bomb perhaps? By the look in his eyes he had something in mind for that cannister. Time to go see if I can capture a sunset picture - yes it is still daylight in Alaska and trhe Nebraska Sandhill Crnaes are now arriving.

Golden Granny said...

Loved the pictures. Keep up the good work. I'm so glad dad & I made our trip to Ne. last fall. I get a familiar feeling that I've seen that or did that from your pictures. Remember the bike statue you posted along time ago? I could swear we passed that same statue on our trip.

real eyez said...

Well anything you might have missed last time the kids are sure you will see this time!