Wednesday, February 06, 2008

So it is Wednesday! Yeah! The week so far has blown by and a few interesting things have happened.
My kids experienced a first today. Their school was canceled today due to snow. Now when I say snow I will add that the amount of snow was not what I , as an ex Alaskan, would call a lot. It is however I guess by Nebraska standards. There were over four hundred accidents in the Lincoln area alone and some of them resulting in death! The few thoughts that I had were this: Do not move to Alaska and Slow The HELL Down! While I did not find the accidents and deaths amusing in the least I did find a little humor in watching the people try to leave our work parking lot yesterday.
My coworkers have nick named me Alaska and I always get really weird questions that I honestly did not think I would get. It is really strange for life long Lincolnites to hear the stories of the wilderness known as a Alaska. Even though there are a few differences (I am not a college football fan is the biggest) they have all made me feel right at home. Our class is small and I really enjoy everyone in it even though we range drastically in age and lifestyles. I have begun to wonder if they put something in the water because of how happy everyone is to go to work. At first I thought it was just because we were new and that eventually it would wear off. Looking at it closer though even the people who have been working there for years seem genuinely happy. That is something I am not used to.
I have begun my healthy "lifestyle change" this week and have really begun to explore alternative foods (for me). I have really begun to like squash and even our grill at work will make me a grilled chicken breast with steamed onions and mushrooms for under three bucks! YUM!
I have begun to snack on celery and strawberries with a few almonds thrown in. I have also changed over to Skim milk which is surprisingly good. So now I have bumped up my exercise routine and do 20 mins on the elliptical machine, 20 mins on abs and then during lunch I throw in exercises for my knee which were hand picked by my instructor and two rotations of strength for my arms and shoulders. All in all I have not lost any weight, it is too early,but I have started feeling less tired and have more energy during the day. I know this is also all the water I am drinking! I have not given up the coffee though I just alternate it with water!
I also scheduled the kids for all their dentist and eye appointments! Who would have ever thought that the first question I would have to ask is if they are excepting any new patients! I am also taking them to the same doctor that I saw for my knee because I liked the office and he was nice. It is time for them to go in for a check up.
Well I am heading to bed it is way past my bedtime! Good Night All!


Stan Harrington said...

Glad that you are enjoying your new job (training). Enjoying going to work makes it a lot easier. Do they have any programs that yu can eventually invest into like 401K or something? I was surprised when I heard from Heath that they would probably cancel school due to a few inches of snow onthe ground - espcially when they do not have school buses. Don't tell heath, but I am shopping around for a rubber hammer so the next time he hits his thgrumb it will not hurt so bad! Just got in from the wekely poker game, just an o.k. night 4 th out of 12 but still in the overall lead. Take care.

real eyez said...

I have already invested in a 401k though I am going to have to research it a little more due to my lack of knowledge in the ENTIRE thing! AS far as the rubber hammer I am picturing something straight out of a cartoon! Say hi to my dad since you all are hanging out now!

Stan Harrington said...

Yea, right you go girl! Took me four days to finally recognize him, then I had to verify it with the bar tender. He was there againthis morning, seems to be eating well. He spoke to me that first day, but since then he just sits there by himself onthe far side of the bar. I am waiting for him to ask how his grand children are. But, you know me I will be nice and PC.

real eyez said...

Yeah...I wouldn't hold your breath on him asking about the kids!