Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So a quick post tonight. The kids are doing well in school and really like both of their teachers. Heather has made friends with a little boy who shares a love of Jeff Dunham. His favorite character is Senior Jalapeno and makes her laugh! Hunter on the other hand is fighting on the homework but other than that he likes his teacher and is making friends.
Heath has been working only getting Monday off because of the cold. He does not like working on the cold and I can not blame him. Granted we do not get the ALASKAN cold but the winds here are harsh and when you are out in it it zero seems a lot colder. I would like to say he is looking forward to the summer warmth and hours but it will extreme for him. He will just have to drink lots of fluids and wear lots of sunscreen! We will be buying our first car down here probably by this weekend it is one that his coworkers is selling. It is old and in so so shape but it is a RUNNING car that is safe and for the price we can't turn it down.
As for my work it continues to go fabulous! I am in week two of training and while we are learning mass amounts of information they are still making it fun. I got a loner phone from work last week and it is mine for the next four and a half weeks. I will be sad when I have to give it back because right now I have everything free! I have been downloading ring tones ring back tones like crazy! So if you call my cellphone you will hear music of my choice instead of ringing! Pretty neat.
Today we were all signed up for the employee phone account which has some really neat offers/discounts. Heath and I will be getting our new phones in the next week or so. This will be Heath's first cell phone. The neat thing is Verizon offers VZ Navigator and which is just a GPS program on your phone, that will come in handy for getting around town! We used it the other night and searched for theaters and then for directions for the closest one to here!
So now the big debate. DO I GET MY NINE YEAR OLD HER OWN CELL PHONE? It will not cost me much and I will get good warranty and insurance if she looses or damages the phone. I can also have certain features blocked like the mobile web and even texting if I wanted to. It also comes with chaperone which allows me to monitor where she is at ALL times and a roadside assistance program. THis is the really neat part. Lets say she is going to the movies with one of her friends and that friends parents car breaks down/runs out of gas/ or they get locked out, because her phone is covered she gets roadside assistance!
But is she ready for that?


Stan Harrington said...

Glad to hear things are going well, what kind of car are you getting, a Chevie? Might want to check on teh Ford's,never have to even put oil in them! Been watching your weather, last couple of days we have almost been the same, but I will guarantee you that you will get spring long before we even see a sign of spring. Startintg mid March through April, you will need to make some drives, i guess the flocks of Geese heading north aree spectacular in that area since you are in the middle of the central fly way. They are making cell phones ay to technical, especially for us older people, do you think you could talk your company into coming out with a dial cell phone that goes Ring, Ring, Ring! Give the little ones a hug.

Stan Harrington said...

By the way, I just checked your weather. I just got home form playing poker, tyhe temperature on my truck was 0 degrees, it is 11 degrees in Lincoln so it is very similar, but you are suppose to be up to 37 degrees later today, we are forecasted to get clear up to 5 degrees!