Friday, January 11, 2008


After speaking to Sarah this morning I had a shocking moment. I hate to Blog about it because it is her story to tell but I have been doing research on it and it has made me sick and VERY angry.

When I became pregnant with Heather I with held the fact that I was pregnant not just from friends and family but from the doctors also. In my teenage stupidity I had not gone into the doctor until I was 7 months pregnant. Upon going in I found that not was I was already dilated but we also found out that I had a RH- blood type. Now most know what this means but for those who do not, it means that my body automatically makes anti bodies if it detects a different blood type. I have found contradicting information on the web as to weather this affects the current pregnancy, the next or both. Either way it is harmful to the baby and I was told that if I tested positive I would HAVE to take a Rhogam shot to counter the effects of the antibodies. We tested for the antibodies and found that I was negative for it. Several miscarriages later I got pregnant with Hunter and I was again tested for the built up anitbodies. This time the test came back positive and I was given the Rhogam shot DURING my preganancy. (I had been given the shot before but each time I had been given the shot it was after I had miscarried.)
At the time I do not recall being given ANY inforamtion on the shot nor did the doctor explain ANY possible side effects the shot may have.
Today I looked the the drug Rhogam in relation to Autism and the results are SICKENING! This is just a taste of what I have found so far.
RhoGAM® is a globulin shot that prevents the mother’s immune system from making antibodies that can harm her baby. However, the preservative thimerosal that was contained in RhoGAM® was 50% mercury.

High levels of mercury can permanently damage the brain and kidneys, resulting in tremors, memory and vision problems. Mercury in a mother’s body can be passed to her fetus. One study suggests that mercury accumulates in umbilical cord blood at a level that is 1.7 times higher than that in the blood of the mother. Mercury–containing thimerosal can cross the placenta and migrate to the brain, organs and tissue of the developing fetus.

Infants and the developing fetus are particularly susceptible to the effects of mercury exposure. Babies who were exposed to mercury in the womb may develop brain damage, mental retardation, lack of coordination, blindness, seizures, and become unable to speak, according to the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

When RhoGAM® was licensed in 1968, it contained thimerosal. In July 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) agreed that thimerosal should be eliminated from vaccines and other products because mercury harms infants and children."
The lists of side effects is Astonishing! I have seen everything from Austism to ADHD to dyslexia! Anything to do with Nuerological developement.
In one article that I found a doctor did a study on the Autistic children in her office. Over 62% of them had recieved the Rhogam shot during pregnancy.
The thing that really scares me is the doctors knew about this. Studies had gone out and they have been warning women for years on the consumption of too much fish due to the amounts of Mercury contained in them.
The company also knew about this and that is why it is labeled THIMEROSAL not mercury.
I am digging up more information as I can. TO know that I unknowingly but willing gave mercury to my unborn baby scares me!


Heidi said...

But if you hadn't had the shot would you have the baby?

Heidi said...

Sorry....that sounded short (i didn't mean for it, it me looking at both sides), it is sad, horrible, and scary and all moms should be warned. But would it have changed you mind about getting it? then or now?

real eyez said...

See that was my first thought. Is the other alternative a better one? I mean would you rather your baby just not be born because of the possible side effects of receiving the shot?
After doing more research though I found that there are mercury free shots available they just have a shorter shelf life and cost three times more so are not widely used or approved by most insurance companies.
They have been available for some time. When mothers questioned their doctors they were often met with "I don't know" or "it doesn't exist".
The other thing I have found is it is not necessary to give the shot during the pregnancies just after the baby has been born.
I guess I feel mom's should have been more well informed. I mean if there is going to be possible side effects at least let me know.

real eyez said...

I guess the lesson I have learned is to not take a physician's word. This does not mean that I will not seek medical help it just means that I will be doing my own research before I take something again so that I may make an informed decision.
The advantage that we have now is the internet and its endless resources.

Heidi said...

Well, said... I wonder how many other things we pump into ourselves thinking it is the healthy thing to do. How many other simple choices do we make that can harm our children long term? and in this day and age can we really educate ourselves on all aspects of it? isn't that why those doctors make so much money?

You know...I am also tired of the insurance companies dictating what kind of medical care or medicine we receive, if there are other options they should be presented. I would pay out of pocket for a safer drug.
Doctors are not good at communicating all the options and side effects. I have dealt with a few and they all tend to dismiss those things not in their field.

Oh and as long as I am ranting.... those horrible drug commercials that have kids convinced they everything from depression to herpes.

Anonymous said...

I have the perfect study on RhoGAM safety. I have 3 boys, 21,19 and 16. all have 2 polymorphism MTHFR, all RH positive, all had RH and ABO incompatibility with me. I received RhoGAM after each pregnancy. All had jaundice, 2 born in the 80's, without thimerosal containing RhoGAM during pregnancy and one born in he 90's one with thimerosal containing RhoGAM during pregnanacy.

The results:

Both my older boys are attending college on football and academic scholarships, both were All State football players, both have 2 snips in MTHFR, high testosterone and low glutathione. They were lucky and did not hit their mercury toxic tipping point because they did not get RhoGAM during my 28th week of pregnancy. Oh did I mention that my middle son had RH and Hemolytic disease, the disease that RhoGAM is suppose to prevent? He is my healthiest son of the three and has a 3.4 GPA after his first semester as a student athlete. I will take RH disease over mercury poisoning everyday of the week. Mercury in vaccine causes mercury poisoning, calling it something else is denial of the truth. I wish I would have declined RhoGAM during pregnancy.

Johnson and Johnson bought their study the lead author, Judith Miles of the University of Missouri, served as a paid expert witness in a RhoGAM lawsuit last year on behalf of the J&J unit. This was confirmed by an Ortho spokesman and Miles acknowledged that she provided testimony.
In other words, the study - which gives Rhogam a clean bill of health - could be waved around in court by J&J’s Ortho unit to defend against lawsuits. Miles wrote: “This was a small and relatively simple study and funding was not likely from NIH….I was deposed as an expert witness and yes, I always charge for my preparation and face to face time when I testify. That is standard for all expert testimony.
foe more information visit.


real eyez said...

Heidi I agree with you 100%. I have had conspiracy theories running through my head since yesterday. Drug companies and doctors working arm in arm and I am not sure why I act like this is the first time or the last time they will do this.

My mom recently went into the doctor for her regular checkup and after doing blood work up they found that she was producing high levels of iron so they wanted to do more blood work and then possibly a liver biopsy.
My mom was telling her boss at work, figuring that she was in the "need to know" group. Her boss told her she was just depressed she had seen it on the commercials. Mom couldn't believe it. This lady had seen a few symptoms listed on tv and felt she had accurately diagnosed my mom!

Heidi said...

off topic here....I had a boss who used buy body fluids, from bums, for Johnson and Johnson. I think they are Nazis like Bayer.

Stan Harrington said...

Great discussion, for some reason i was locked out of the comment section yesterday, I could not access it but it is working fine this morning or I would not be commenting. Good research, most drugs will have some type of side affect, some minor others can be major. It would help if all the facts were known before they were used.

real eyez said...

Heidi...The thing I find funny is the image these corporations put out there. When I think of JJ, I think of baby products. It is kind of funny that the same company would knowingly produce a product that potentially could harm the same consumers they claim to care about.
I wonder what they were doing with the body fluids? Very strange!
You know Stan it is true everything has some sort of side effect and now there is a pill for everything. Like restless leg syndrome? I mean my legs do that every once in awhile but I do not think I need a pill for it that may cause many other side effects.
The thing I have to keep reminding myself is they have been doing this for some time and this is NOT the first drug to be found harmful. I guess because this is the first one to actually touch my life I have had a wake up call. I just feel sorry for the parents who children were born with sever birth defects due to RhoGam and their continuing fight against the Drug Monsters. A fight they themselves can not afford but one companies like JJ can.

Heidi said...

The drug companies need fluids to test their product, you can't test a spermicide without some sperm.

real eyez said...

EEEWWWWW!!! I guess I have never thought of that before! Again...EEEWWWWWW!!! I wonder why that has not made it onto dirtiest jobs yet?

Kara said...

I recently found this post and it old so you might not get this comment. But I received Rhogam in my first pregnancy and it failed to work, and am Rh sensitized. I wouldn't wish what myself and my two children in subsequent pregnancies whet through, on anyone. It was a long difficult, painful, stressful road to deliver them youngest almost didn't make it. Then the NICU and all the blood transfusions (in utero and in the NICU) and my youngest has mild CP. If only the shot had worked! You don't know how much heartache that vaccine, when effective, is sparing women and their children. I guess I don't know what heartache it can cause when someone has a reaction to it. It no longer contains mercury (mine did, but then again the H1N1 vaccine I just got did too but with asthma I can't take THAT chance.) Just don't be so quick to encourage people to refuse the vaccine. From someone that can see how bad Rh disease can get.

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I was opposed to the shot when I first learned I was Rh negative with my first pregnancy, but the doctors pressured and scared me into it. I was stupid for going for it. My child is mildly autistic, adhd, vision, hearing and speech problems, that will leave him struggling for the rest of his life. I love him, but I feel terrible that I didn't do my job protecting him. It is just a CHANCE that your body will develop antibodies. They didn't give it to me during my second pregnancy, but wanted to after words. They were very pushy again, but I stood my ground and said if I wanted to have another child, I would keep trying until I had a healthy child, as opposed to having one right now, with permanent disabilities. And that I still wasn't over the fact that so many people are needlessly destroying children's lives. Luckily, I did a ton of research on circumcision and didn't subject my sweet, helpless little babies to that mess! It is morally wrong that we keep supporting the Monetary system, which is exactly what has degraded societies world wide like this. This for-profit, self-serving, dog-eat-dog competition for survival has got to go! Luckily(kind of), the corruption in the medical field, the pollution, starvation, homelessness, etc. is all unnecessary, and we have the tools to end it. All of those issues boil down to either the incentive of obscene profits, or high cost/lack of money; they stem from a single root cause, and if we fix it, we can start fixing the rest of the mess we've created. This is a great example of why I, and millions of others around the globe, support a Resource Based Economy(The Venus Project).