Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Heath has been working only getting Monday off because of the cold. He does not like working on the cold and I can not blame him. Granted we do not get the ALASKAN cold but the winds here are harsh and when you are out in it it zero seems a lot colder. I would like to say he is looking forward to the summer warmth and hours but it will extreme for him. He will just have to drink lots of fluids and wear lots of sunscreen! We will be buying our first car down here probably by this weekend it is one that his coworkers is selling. It is old and in so so shape but it is a RUNNING car that is safe and for the price we can't turn it down.
As for my work it continues to go fabulous! I am in week two of training and while we are learning mass amounts of information they are still making it fun. I got a loner phone from work last week and it is mine for the next four and a half weeks. I will be sad when I have to give it back because right now I have everything free! I have been downloading ring tones ring back tones like crazy! So if you call my cellphone you will hear music of my choice instead of ringing! Pretty neat.
Today we were all signed up for the employee phone account which has some really neat offers/discounts. Heath and I will be getting our new phones in the next week or so. This will be Heath's first cell phone. The neat thing is Verizon offers VZ Navigator and which is just a GPS program on your phone, that will come in handy for getting around town! We used it the other night and searched for theaters and then for directions for the closest one to here!
So now the big debate. DO I GET MY NINE YEAR OLD HER OWN CELL PHONE? It will not cost me much and I will get good warranty and insurance if she looses or damages the phone. I can also have certain features blocked like the mobile web and even texting if I wanted to. It also comes with chaperone which allows me to monitor where she is at ALL times and a roadside assistance program. THis is the really neat part. Lets say she is going to the movies with one of her friends and that friends parents car breaks down/runs out of gas/ or they get locked out, because her phone is covered she gets roadside assistance!
But is she ready for that?
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I had very little sleep to go on last night and even less tonight! :(
So the actual work is going great I have learned A LOT in the last few days so it is scary to think that I will be doing this for six weeks! The instructor I have is fun and makes it a lot more entertaining. We made rules the first day and one our rules was no being late to class, well SHE was and her penalty was she had to sing in front of the three classes! Her first song was RESPECT and then the second was the Spongebob theme song! One guy in the other class forgot to lock his computer (which is a big NO NO) so he had to sing the Barney song in front of us all! Makes for fun for everyone else but it also makes you remember to do the basics!
I could go on forever about the job and how great it is but I will save you all!
Now I just have to figure out how I can get photography classes through our college tuition. EVERYTHING is paid through the company and has to, in the end relate to your career in the company! Maybe I will be in the ad department or something!
The kids have enjoyed their school so far. Heather has already made friends and gotten awards for helping out another classmate at school which makes me very proud! She got a letter today from "friend" asking her out on a date and she politely said NO. Ah it begins!
Such a heart breaker!
Hunter does not really have much to say about school so I get the feeling that it is whatever!
Oh well you can't force it on them you can only support right?!
Well that is all for now I have to go find a pokemon song for Heather now before she kicks my butt!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Today was our intake/information day and it was spent learning all that they had to offer to us, the employees and their customers.
I will have to say at this point I am very impressed with the company policies and benefits! They are offering everything to insure that we succeed. Examples: (This is my favorite.) Lets say the school has an in service day or a holiday. Well some one would have to watch the kids. They have supplied us with a number to call that can find us the nearest daycare of OUR choice and the company will pay for it. No money will come out of our pockets! We have 80 hours to use so just for emergencies but still really neat!
I also signed up for the gym today! I have a fitness evaluation with my trainer on Wednesday and we are going to set up a diet and exercise plan to meet my desired weight! I had to fill out a LONG form today and we are sending it back to the company health department for evaluation to see how healthy I am. I think I am in for a reality check! I am excited though to find out how I can improve my health so it will be worth it!
The other is they are pro active in our health care. They have set up a site for each employee where you can manage your finances, health and balancing your work and home life. There are so many resources designed especially for EACH employee it is amazing.
There is so much it is hard to list it all here but I am really impressed with it all so far! As far as benefits we are ALL covered as of today which will cost me a little over a thousand a year but well worth it! I am also covered by a life insurance policy, free through the company, that increases as my pay increases.
Anyways it feels pretty good!
As for the kids they have their clothes picked out and are already in bed asleep! Heather is excited because she will get to meet new friends while Hunter is not so sure he wants to go back to school. The principal told him "cool" things happen at school so he is curious as to what "cool" things he is talking about!
I will write all about their first day tomorrow!
As for Heath he worked all of last week but was off Saturday and Today due to snow and cold temps. Can't poor concrete in freezing temperatures! He seems to like it though!
Well I am heading to bed I am still getting used to getting up at 5:30...yuck! Anyone who knows me knows that is WAY early!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
So we met with the principal today and did our walk through of the entire school. I was amazed at the size of the school and its 400 children who attend. No one is allowed past the front doors with out checking in with security where you are given a color coded pass you wear around your neck. If you are not where you are supposed to be the cops are called. Communication is constant as each of the staff members carry radios in case of emergency.
Now saying it all like that makes it seem like the school has problems but actually it doesn't, these things were started to prevent any problems which may occur. I felt more comfortable knowing that my children were being watched carefully.
The school also has many hearing impaired children and I was told that at least one signer is present in many classes and the kids learn to sign many of their songs they sing for school.
There is also a before school program I will be signing the kids into where they go to school early (7:30) which works well for Heath and I since we both will be due to work by eight.
School starts at 9 and goes until 3:38 which was a little of a change!
The thing I thought was really neat is the Head start program is housed right there in the school! So all your kids would be in the same school until middle school, how neat it that!
Well I am going to go, I am being informed it is time for desert!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Comanche Moon
Now many years later we have watched every part of the series and tonight we have just finished Comanche Moon. What an excellent job they did on capturing the original actors! I was also impressed with accuracy in which they portrayed my supposed ancestors and find it a little amusing that Blue Duck could have been closer to our camp than any us had ever known! I will have to research if Blue Duck is an actual Comanche and if he is in fact the uncle of Quanah Parker! I have not come across the name but I am usually researching from Quanah down so I could have missed him all these years.
With the beginning of the series my interest of finally solving the mystery of my ancestry was once again stirred. I was told that my father was a descendant of Quanah Parker due his mother Cynthia Ann Parker who was taken by the Comanches at a young age. There has been no proof on this due to poor records. I have tried for years to research this but had very little to go on except my Grandfather's name and the date he died. Over the last year I have found the date he was born and where he was born but have been able to little more.
So as the series comes to a close I find it very fitting that I also bring to a close my search for my ancestors. Today I stumbled, completely by accident, on a site and found not only my grandfather but his parents and his parent's parents. I was able to determine that until his grandfather there was no connection what so ever with the Comanches or the Parker family. However, his Grandmother was called Eliza and was listed with no last name. On all the records I could find of her, there is no last name listed. What I determine at this time is one of two things will come of a little more research. One, she will be one of Quanah Parker's many children who married a white man or two she will not be and there is no tie between the Comanches and my ancestors. Either way I am glad to finally put some history to my father's side of the family and even IF she was Indian there has been to many generations for it to matter to any Indian registries.
I just hope my family will forgive me, for they all believe us to be descendants of Quanah Parker the Last Great Chief.
Friday, January 11, 2008
After speaking to Sarah this morning I had a shocking moment. I hate to Blog about it because it is her story to tell but I have been doing research on it and it has made me sick and VERY angry.
When I became pregnant with Heather I with held the fact that I was pregnant not just from friends and family but from the doctors also. In my teenage stupidity I had not gone into the doctor until I was 7 months pregnant. Upon going in I found that not was I was already dilated but we also found out that I had a RH- blood type. Now most know what this means but for those who do not, it means that my body automatically makes anti bodies if it detects a different blood type. I have found contradicting information on the web as to weather this affects the current pregnancy, the next or both. Either way it is harmful to the baby and I was told that if I tested positive I would HAVE to take a Rhogam shot to counter the effects of the antibodies. We tested for the antibodies and found that I was negative for it. Several miscarriages later I got pregnant with Hunter and I was again tested for the built up anitbodies. This time the test came back positive and I was given the Rhogam shot DURING my preganancy. (I had been given the shot before but each time I had been given the shot it was after I had miscarried.)
At the time I do not recall being given ANY inforamtion on the shot nor did the doctor explain ANY possible side effects the shot may have.
Today I looked the the drug Rhogam in relation to Autism and the results are SICKENING! This is just a taste of what I have found so far.
"RhoGAM® is a globulin shot that prevents the mother’s immune system from making antibodies that can harm her baby. However, the preservative thimerosal that was contained in RhoGAM® was 50% mercury.
High levels of mercury can permanently damage the brain and kidneys, resulting in tremors, memory and vision problems. Mercury in a mother’s body can be passed to her fetus. One study suggests that mercury accumulates in umbilical cord blood at a level that is 1.7 times higher than that in the blood of the mother. Mercury–containing thimerosal can cross the placenta and migrate to the brain, organs and tissue of the developing fetus.
Infants and the developing fetus are particularly susceptible to the effects of mercury exposure. Babies who were exposed to mercury in the womb may develop brain damage, mental retardation, lack of coordination, blindness, seizures, and become unable to speak, according to the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
The lists of side effects is Astonishing! I have seen everything from Austism to ADHD to dyslexia! Anything to do with Nuerological developement.
In one article that I found a doctor did a study on the Autistic children in her office. Over 62% of them had recieved the Rhogam shot during pregnancy.
The thing that really scares me is the doctors knew about this. Studies had gone out and they have been warning women for years on the consumption of too much fish due to the amounts of Mercury contained in them.
The company also knew about this and that is why it is labeled THIMEROSAL not mercury.
I am digging up more information as I can. TO know that I unknowingly but willing gave mercury to my unborn baby scares me!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Heath just got a job working in construction he will start Monday. They will be doing foundations and doing concrete work so he has had some experience with that. He is starting out with good pay and is "promised" even better wages if he works out. We have had jobs offer more pay in the past but he is a good worker and with the starting wage being 15 an hour he is not worried. The cool thing is his foreman lives just down the street and can give him a ride to work everyday! His main boss also told him if he worked out after the first week he would give Heath a company rig to drive. So we will see how the first week goes and at least he has a ride to work if the company rig does not work out!
As for me I will start at Verizon the 21st! Yeah! I am glad that not only did I finally get a job but the pay is not bad either.
Heather has been going to church on Sundays with my Grandma and now has joined AWANAS. She is saving up her money to buy a bible so she can have her own. This has been great for her because she is meeting other little girls her age in a great environment! I like the church she is going to and the youth pastor they have is really good with the kids. He is projecting my idea of what church should be about and has a certain kind of excitement that I think would be good for more than just the kids. I guess the older people in the church don't think so!
Hunter will join her this weekend and he is very excited about it right now but I think his attitude will change when he realizes he will have to sit still and be quiet! We will see! LOL!
School has been going good. Had more testing this week which the kids hate but I am happy about. It really has given me a way to evaluate how well they retaining the material! Heather is doing well overall but we will have have to work a little harder on her Science but I think that is more about what she wants to learn. As she put it Science is stupid and she doesn't need to learn it. I had to explain again that everything she is learning now are things she is going to need to know when she gets older. I kind of explained it like building blocks you have to have the foundation in order to build the rest of the building. She got it but she is not happy about it!
Hunter on the other hand continues to do well when he chooses to. I swear the kid is brilliant I just wish we could find a way to peak his interests because then watch out! So just recently I went online to research his snoring to see if it was related to his nosebleeds and far as I could find that they weren't. What I did find was several articles about studies done on children who snore and the connection with ADHD. I will be doing more research on that not necessarily to get him diagnosed with ADHD but to find ways that we as parents can help him before he hits junior high. Several articles also pointed out that ADHD seems to get worse for children during that period of their lives and could affect their schooling if not handled properly. I am not convinced that he actually has ADHD but it is a good to know about it for future reference. The more we know the better we can help him.
So that is about it for now!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
New Job
So I am supposed to start training soon and after I complete that I will have to go onto to further training, each time going up in pay. One girl that my uncle knows has been there one year and she is already at 16 an hour. I could go for that.
We will see what happens! Keep your fingers crossed!
Heath is doing good but bored! He has been watching LOTS of football with my uncle and helping him with his cleaning business. My family is intent on showing him the sights and all the hunting and fishing areas which to our surprise, is many! He researched it long before we moved but it is so much more than you can find on some website.
The kids are doing great. They are both doing very well in school, we have decided to keep homeschooling them until we know for sure what school they will be going to. I do not want them to get used to one school just to pull them out and put them in another. Sissy has been doing amazing with all her work and even now does two lessons a day by choice! I was hesitant at first not sure if she was getting all the information but she just passed her chapter test with flying colors so I guess she is.
Butch still struggles. He knows the material he just doesn't want to sit still. Heath works with him because he can better control him! He has taught us a few things though. While working with him his lesson manual will tell us ways to present the lesson and information you don't have to do it that way but it is supposedly the easiest way for the student to learn the lesson. Well he is constantly showing us new ways to learn! Math especially. He has an amazing ability to figure out complex problems using his own methods I just wish he had more attention span but I guess that will come with age!
The weather the last few days has been amazing! Yesterday morning I sat on the porch drinking my coffee and enjoyed a cigarette and did not need a jacket! The slight breeze there was was refreshing! When I say porch it is so funny the difference between porches here and porches (decks) in Alaska. The porches here are huge and you will either find a hammock, porch swing or chairs on all of them. I guess back in the day before TV, homeowners would sit on the front porch in the heat of the day when the inside of the house was too hot and visit with their neighbors. Just a subtle difference that I had noticed. One among many others!
Oh yeah and when you go out to eat a cheeseburger with fries and a drink at a restaurant (NOT McDonalds) will cost you about $4.00! The food here is so cheap! A nice dinner for one will cost about $8! The only things that are the same price as in Alaska is gas and milk! Which is pretty funny because there is A LOT of cows you think it would be cheap but they are meat cows not dairy. Let me tell you if the wind switches just the right way the smell of cow manure floats in the breeze and when you protest everyone will tell you it is the smell of money! Yeah right.
Well I have rambled enough! the kids send their love! They now have their own myspace so they have decided that grandpa and grandma need to get one now!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Better Late Than Never
We drove through a LITTLE town of Loma which we found out was the setting used in the movie To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, staring Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo. The house they stayed in, in the movie was a house built by the studio and was later auctioned off. If you notice on the side of the building it says welcome to Snydersville that was the name of the town in the movie! The place has since gone down hill and the two out of three houses look uninhabitable!