Monday, March 08, 2010

More Earthquakes...

Another earthquake hits, this time in Turkey
and it leaves one wondering:
Are earthquakes really on the increase?

Some are quoting scripture,
and some are talking end of days
I think I will go buy flea collars, its getting warm out there!
now all I need are some rays!

*in case you are wondering what "divers places" means, I looked it up.

Also I referenced a site above IMDb and I have to give a bit of a nod. If you have not already found this site I suggest a look through. Heath and I are movie buffs, (I feel comfortable saying that) and one of our favorite games is "guess that actor/what other movies have they been in" and now even our kids play it. This site is fun and has solved many a debate I use it almost everyday!


Shana said...

Like the way you wrote this, nice links.

real eyez said...

well welcome back! Shoulda I be going to your site to read a current blog?

Stan Harrington said...

A new look, you have really brightened it up. Looks good, I like the blue on the black back ground.

Stan Harrington said...

Thanks for keeping Blog Land alive and well. It is still the best medium to communicate and record thoughts and pictures for the future.

real eyez said...

It is! I am guilt-ting Shana as we speak...
Now I just have to find Heidi!

john r mclay said...

yeah! what they said!

good piece about seismic stations on USGS site. The temperature/weather stations in and around anchorage have moved locations and became more abundant over decades, too. Hard to paint averages over increased awareness.
IMDb is great for research.