Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Pine Needle Bear

This was sent to me in an email and while I rarely forward things every once in awhile something more than a perverted joke or spam comes through that I feel is note worthy.
Today it was this bear. He is made from pine needles that a man collected, washed and trimmed then meticulously glued together to form this bear. From what I read it took the man 8 months to do this bear.
The detail is just beautiful!
I wonder if I could ask him to make a moose?


Stan Harrington said...

I had that same email forwarded to me. His art is fabulous. I guess me makes a variety of animals. Some people have so much talent and in this case, patience.

real eyez said...

Well if you got this one then you got a duplicate from me the other day, I will try not to forward duplicates anymore! Sorry!

Stan Harrington said...

I think it came from Janie! Since going onto Facebook, my email has escalated.

john r mclay said...

I didn't get it, but I don't "face out". Patience, the man has....a life or anything to do? - difficult to say.
Beautiful work!