Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Junior High Already?

Heather and I went last night to the first of Heather's five orientations she will have before starting school on August 15th. Driving up to the school I noted that it did (thank goodness) have a parking lot, unfortunately I was still unable to find parking. That was amazing because it was just the 6th graders there and there are two other classes. Walking into the school it was hard to not be impressed by the schools brick exterior which it turns out has not been altered since it was built 83 years ago!
We were seated in the auditorium that features a balcony and the best acoustics I have ever heard without a microphone. The chairs were the old folding wood kind with wrought iron bases and their condition amazed me as they looked like they were installed yesterday.
The hour presentation was informative giving us the basics of the life of the average 6th grader at Irving. Heather is projected to attend school next year with an approximate head count of 850 students, with her class reaching 300. Irving is capable of holding 935 students without adding any additional buildings and has held as many as 1100 kids during one school year.
The school boasts three fully equipped computer labs with two newly added mobile labs with 60 lap tops. Each grade will be taught a language, though I am not sure if they learn one language a year or if they stick with one language through out their time there.

Heather is excited to start and even impressed she will get her own locker!
The only thing is the start date for school has caused a bit with our travel plans to the Alaska this summer.


Stan Harrington said...

Love those old buildings in Nebraska. That is an early start of school, enroll them in Chapman for the first few days. School district in Lincoln cannot say anything if they are transfer students and not just starting school late.

john r mclay said...

...middle school?...
next, she'll be asking to borrow the car.