Thursday, March 27, 2008

Calling in sick today! I can do that and still get paid for it! I have been saving them because at the end of the year what I haven't used they will actually pay me extra for! Pretty cool. Work has been going great, still, I know everyone is tired of hearing about it but really it has!
I had a round table with one of my bosses and some fellow coworkers and it went really well. There is no fear to express your feelings, thoughts, and concerns. I took away from the meeting a lot more than I had thought I would and an overall feeling of satisfaction. We were asked to rate our jobs from one to ten and then we had to explain why we gave it that rating. Not everyone scored it high and they all had valid reasons to back up their low score and they weren't brushed off or ridiculed for their remarks. Our boss listened and when he was done with our meeting he went into another meeting with his boss and discussed the results. They are proactive in fixing things.
So the days seem to get weirder and weirder. Just when I think I have heard it all my headset goes beep and the customer starts telling me their life's story and, well you know the rest. Every story is different and sometimes they are just sad and sometimes they leave you smiling for days. You feel sorry for the parents looking for their child and wish you could pull up his location from his phone or the husband who had lost his wife and two children in an accident and can't pay his bill because he just buried three people. Then I will get the call from the middle aged lady who when describing her mid life changes, in sympathy I say "yeah I heard people can become kind of ditzy" she laughs really hard thinking I said bitchy and then we both laugh for a few minutes when I tell her what I really said. MY favorite call though is the customer who calls with a huge issue and they have been through several people who have not helped them at all. I firmly tell the customer what I am going to do and we will fix this problem this time and I do. They are so grateful.
I have really good co workers especially the girls I sit next to. Instead of being worried only about ourselves we help each other out. If I learn something new that I know everyone else does not know I pass it along in email and they do the same. Even some of the people who have been there a long time are still willing to help.
Then there is the constant coaching. We get graded on random calls because we are supposed to treat our customers really well. If "they" listen to our call and there is room for improvement, they will coach us. I was at first afraid of the coaching because I was not sure how it was going to go but now I enjoy it. They say "here is what you did well and then here are somethings you need to work on. How can I help you?" I have had them even come sit with me because I failed my first call to be scored. She sat with me and listened to my calls and gave me really good pointers.
Ah so again I am just rambling on. So i guess you have probably wondered why if I like work so much why am I taking a sick day? It is spring break for the kids and I have not spent very much time with them. I have tomorrow off so I will get two full days off with them! I think it is overcast outside right now looks kind of cold and possibly rainy so I think it will be a good day to play boardgames with the kids and Heath! Maybe go tot he park if it is not to cold.
Hunter and Heath have been riding bikes in the afternoon. Yes Hunter already has a bike he is so spoiled. My uncle had a almost brand new BMX bike over at his house and a bucket full of transformers. Yeah, guess who is Hunter's new friend?
Heather on the other hand spent the last two days over at my sister's house and also got spoiled. She met a little girl her age and they played all day. The little girl was a daughter of my sister's friend. Her dad owns an ice cream truck and even brought it by for the girls to get ice cream!
Heather got home yesterday afternoon and got sick. Hunter had it last week too. It is weird, a high fever for a little while the kids are down and then they wake up feeling fine like it never happened.
Oh well at least it does not last to long.
Spent easter over at my sister's house. I got to cook my first easter meal, well sort of. We made ribs instead of ham and then had all the rest. Everyone loved my deviled eggs except Hunter (he has decided he does not like eggs) and we even had cake (which I did not make bought at the store!) The kids got to hunt for Easter eggs outside which was rare. The only thing was the Easter bunny left them out the night before because it was warm, well sometime during the night some of them froze....oooppps! Heather and I also had a talk about the Easter bunny and how she did not think he was real and she wanted to know the truth. So I told her that he was real because daddy and I were the Easter bunny. She was cool with it and even understood about not ruining it for Hunter. She did tell me though that she did still believe in Santa!
So here is a good funny! While walking through Walmart getting Easter dinner Heath and I are deciding on what we need when Heather starts singing this song. I confess I was only half listening at first but when she sang the word VIAGRA really loud she caught my full attention. She was singing the Viva Viagra song you see on TV! Ahhh...every parent in that isle either could not believe our kid was singing that song or understood because theirs were doing it also. The bad thing is we told Heather she could not sing that song anymore and she kept insisting WHY?
So Easter was a good day for the most part. Had an issue with Koda trying to eat my sister's dog. Her dog started it but Koda was sure going to finish it. Sigghhh.... not sure what to do about it. He is a really good dog 97% of the time. We can either get him a trainer to help with his issues with other dogs or we are going to have to put him down. We just can not risk him hurting a dog and so far we have been lucky.
Oh well we will figure something out!
Well I am going to get my chores done so we can do fun things!


Golden Granny said...

I enjoy reading your blogs. Your work reminds me so much of my experiences at HEA. I always loved going to work in the old days. Today I am so very grateful to HEA and my time there. Sounds like the kids are enjoying life in Nebraska. We'd still love to bring them to Alaska after school is out. I have lots of air miles to get them here and back there in August. But life with grandma doesn't sound near as exciting as a summer with Mom & Dad in Nebraska. Keep the thot open to considerationm, tho.

Golden Granny said...

I enjoy reading your blogs. Your work reminds me so much of my experiences at HEA. I always loved going to work in the old days. Today I am so very grateful to HEA and my time there. Sounds like the kids are enjoying life in Nebraska. We'd still love to bring them to Alaska after school is out. I have lots of air miles to get them here and back there in August. But life with grandma doesn't sound near as exciting as a summer with Mom & Dad in Nebraska. Keep the thot open to considerationm, tho.

Stan Harrington said...

Looks to me like Golden Granny double clutched! I echo her sentiments, glad to hear that you are enjoying your job and I am assuming that they have a pretty good retirement package. I know at a younger age, a person never considers that, at least I did not but as the years speed by they become ever more important. Sounds as if the kids are fitting in well and enjoying themselves, so much easier when you can look forward to some days in the 60 degree range. Keep you eyes open, if you see any bitches around or hear of any, Dutch and I would be there in a heart beat. I have a bad case of "puppy love" and would like to get at least one puppy from him but five or six would also be good! Enjoy your spring, we still hve about two feet of frozen snow inthe yard, but it is slowly thawing, perhaps by May! Let me be the first toi wish you a Happy Birthday. Pushing the 30th mark arn't you?

real eyez said...

yup almost thirty! well two more years anyways! As far as retirement, yes I am saving heavily into that! I think I am almost thirty and I have some catching up to do if I want to retire with some good money! Still passing the word about Verizon coming to Alaska and after reading Shana's blog I am thinking ACS and ATT could use some competition up there! Consider a cell tower on your property. As far as the kids coming up in August they are already planning on it. Plus that would give us some time to save up and maybe us adults could make the trip also!? I know while things are new and exciting here family and fish make us all a little homesick. August would be perfect because we would have time to play down here and then come up for a visit. Already have one week saved up for paid vacation so a definite possibility.
As far as bitches go you need to be little more specific. I can always find those. If you are talking about canines compatible with Dutch I have yet to see any!

Stan Harrington said...

Hey, I do not need any bitches in my life, just looking out for the welfare of my best buddy, Dutch. We need a little Dutch to keep the linage going.

Stan Harrington said...


real eyez said...

Thanks Stan! and thank you terry for the card!