Sunday, October 28, 2007

To the VERY few who read my blog...

I have now had a blog for a couple of years and in those couple of years I have not acquired a large audience. I did not expect to. My blog would only be interesting to those who are close to me. If you do not know me then descriptions of my kids and family life would probably not interest you. I guess I really do not have any idea how many people read my blog because only one person has seemed to have left comments, I do know that it is not that many.

Recently I have come under attack for one of my most recent posts in which I posted a letter that was written to me and my response to it. I knew in writing that post I would for sure anger one and possibly others. I will not apologize for writing it but will apologize for the childish finger pointing that it created and the waste of readers time. Maybe this letter should have been trashed and maybe I should have just kept to myself the hurtful accusations that were made against me, again. I didn't. I posted it and while it was long winded (I did try and shorten it) I feel I finally got my point across with out getting angry, screaming and throwing a fit. Whether that point was even considered by anyone who read it, I will never know. I did not expect the people who read that post to understand or even take sides. I needed to feel vindicated for once in this messed up situation but now I am having to ward off other attacks. GEESH!! I am not a horrible person I just wanted to end ALL the rumor spreading which is why I chose blogger. No way to twist what I have said.

Also while my comments were harsh they were not untrue. In order for anything to be libel it must be a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person.

It will be a shame if this turns the few people away from my blog for this is the first time I have used my blog in this way and for the most part it is just ramblings of my days.

By the way let me ask this why does it take such a negative post to get people to talk about and pull up my blog? Why couldn't someone leave a nice message when I talked about the kids or my family or posted movies?


Princess Sarah said...

Its your blog, you should be able to post whatever you want! Miss ya, cant wait till my b-day

real eyez said...

Very excited about it but I think I am more excited to see you!

Anna said...

I think your right and you shouldn't have posted the letter in the first was no one else's business. I do believe that was personal...not public. By reading all of this it saddens me to see that you decided to drag you family laundry out into the open and just hang it up to who is being childish...really. would have rather that letter come from someone that was was screaming and yelling?...hmmm common sense....should have just let it go and walked away....wonder why people don't do that...oh yea immaturity and lack of self control....i was very proud that someone took the time to think about writing a letter instead of other alternatives....I won't blog this anonymous because I think if you want an audience you need to take the good with the bad...this world isn't all peaches and cream girl.

real eyez said...

twisted tye dye:
It is funny that the only time you come to my page is to read this letter and post this! I don't mean to be mean but maybe you should take your own advice and learn some maturity and self control!
I also think you should come to your own conclusions about someone instead of going on what another person says. I have heard several things about you but I am still mature enough to realize that some of those were not true and was able to come to my OWN conclusions.
I realized at a young age that life wasn't peaches and cream in fact most of the time it is not fair.
The other funny thing is I have not expected or asked any of my friends or family to attack her and have even asked some, even though they wanted to, not to respond to this post. I do not need my friends to defend me. I am a big girl and take responsibility for my actions.

Anna said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
real eyez said...

Since I wrote that post I have allowed everyone a chance to leave their opinion. I do NOT how ever allow threats.
The above comment was removed to due to a physical threat against me.
I have NOT and NEVER will wish physical harm against anyone! This person can repost again if she likes but I will ask her NOT to leave threats on MY blog.

"It is amazing the words that Ive said could send somebody so over the edge!"

Anna said...

Let me repost that for you....I'll make it simple..I'm guessing you really don't know how old i am get your facts straight. and you know nothing about me that would ever do any harm or make anyone think twice because no one i know would ever belive you. I would stick up for shana any day....I would take bullets for her, especially a little mud... that was not a threat i was simply stating how i showed "self control"...truthfully I just think you didn't like what i had to once again what I think of you...PTTTTTTT NEENER NEENER...ROFLMFAO night night

real eyez said...

That is not ALL you posted, I have it saved, but you should know at your wise old age that threatening to hit someone IS childish and in fact, it shows NO self control.
Now that you reposted the comment without a threat I will leave it as I left all your other posts even if I do not agree with them.

real eyez said...

And enough is enough. First I don't care how old you are and I really do not know anyone that you do except my family.
You act like I care if you believe me or not. I do know one fact though. You say you would take a bullet for her and I am glad you care enough for her to do that but does she care the same for you? What about all the shit she says about you? Don't believe me lets compare stories, I bet you I would be dead on with the things I know. You wanna start accusations and finger pointing just remember you may be a big girl but I am a bigger bitch!
Telling me that ALL I do is yell at my husband, spend money on myself and try to out do everyone around me just shows how ignorant you really are! Honey you don't know anything!!! What have YOU seen me buy? When have you seen me yell at my husband? And when have I tried to out do people? You have NO intelligent thoughts of your own about the subject so you have to speak the words she has told you!

Anna said...

awwww thank you, you are so sweet...LMAO sorry girl I have no respect for you. none. I'm done with this...i only speak the truth. and feel the need to speak up for a dear friend.I really hope you find something positive to influence your life, though many would hope that would have been your husband and your children...but yea you can't win them all...anyways I was done thats right...HAve a good night

real eyez said...


Anonymous said...

Good post.