Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I am writing this letter to finally end this childish rumor spreading, name calling and finger pointing. I have been pushed to this point and now it is time to clear it all. This will be the last letter I will write on this subject. It is over. I am done. I will no longer be pushed around and badmouthed and be expected to just take it. I am only human and there for can only take so much abuse before I put a stop to it. I have also kept my mouth shut out of respect to my husband and his relationship with his family. I know some will read this and say to themselves “When has she kept anything in and when has she ever shut her mouth?” I actually done this quite often and as of late even more so.

I recently sent a message to a couple of family members containing a list of items that I had for sale. I thought that they might be interested in some of the items and would have sold them cheaper to family. One of them wrote me a message back and after reading it several times, I am still puzzled by it. This letter came out of no where and was a personal attack on me. This letter contained several accusations that have no merit and once again this person has felt she has the right to condemn me for things she has made up in her own head. I have sat on this letter for that last couple of days deciding what I should do. After speaking with my husband I decided that the time has come for me to write this letter. I decided to place it here on Blogger so that everyone would have a chance to read what has been written so as not to allow this person to twist the truth any longer. I know you might think that maybe airing our dirty laundry for all to see was not the best idea but I an tired of all the lies and twisting of the truth. There are a few points I would like to make before I begin.

The first thing I want known is Heath and I are moving. This is a decision made by both of us and we have decided to move to Nebraska. I have family down there that has not seen me in almost twenty years and have never had the pleasure of meeting my children. We are not under the impression that this move will fix all, but change is sometimes good.

The second thing I want to make clear and if there is anything that those reading this retain, please let it be this. I do love my husband’s family as if they were my own and while I have done things in the past to hurt some of you to be fair and honest I have also been hurt.

The third thing is I am not perfect. I have not and never will claim that I am. I am only human and therefore make many mistakes. Any person can look around them and find flaws in every person they meet. It is easy to look at someone’s choices and say “I would have done it differently” or “That was a bad choice”. I try not to do that because you never fully know the situation that caused that decision to be made.

This letter was received when I have little to no contact with her for a couple of months. I did write a blog on myspace that pertained to several people in my life who I am tired of acting like high school teenagers with their gossiping and rumor spreading. This was a general letter meant for several people but I will not lie and say that this person was not one the people I was talking about. This person took offense to this letter and even had her own daughter respond to it. The blog on myspace is there for ME to vent and it is my right to put my feelings into words. I do not feel guilty for writing it because it was the truth.
I will post the letter she sent me exactly as I received it. I was accused of possibly altering it but I have no need or intentions the things she wrote were bad enough.

“””””Why are you selling all this...You too are crazy...what is up now???Please do not ruin mom and dads vacation...In fact don't even call them!! they have needed it sooo bad!!!!! I am so tired of this cycle with my kids...I bet mom and dad are totally worn out from you guys. Would it be so hard to admit you can not get it together, quit expecting help and pull your own...I am sorry we can not see eye to eye but what your not realizing is I had a life before Alaska...not much of one but I always had a roof over my kids heads, meals in their tummys and the school always knew how to find me. Erica may have been raised the way you guys are living...but Heath was not. He was not raised to be mean and negative. To put up with abuse both verbal and physical. and he was NEVER in want of food, clothing, or a warm bed. Erica you seem to thrive best on abuse, negative and dysfunction (your extremely "self indulgent" myspace photo gallery says your self centered). You scream obscenities at people who help you and not even to their faces...only over the phone while they are talking to your husband (my brother by the way). Maybe you should consider letting someone else raise your kids until you can get it together....so they to are not living off family when they grow up...kids learn from their parents. and yours are not learning good skills to function as adults...Josh is a great example of this. Anger and negative turned him into a pessimistic angry person who has trouble trusting anyone. Do you want this for your kids....think of their future girlfriends and boy friends....how they will treat their kids. Open your eyes to your own behavior as well as Josh and Crystals...you will see a resemblance with out the obsessive need to hurt people erica has. Erica your myspace portrait is your personality huh? You would love the control and negative energy a vampire would have...sweet heart your human (as much as some of us hate to claim you with our gender and species you are.) You are evil this I have learned through the years...but the only "magic" you hold is the ability to control those around you because they do not want to hear you big mouth blast off. Is this how you want your kids to think of you...they will take their families and run someday...then your screwed out the reward of parenting....Grandchildren. Erica there is still a small part of me that actually likes you...I am not sure why. But that part would love to see you pull it together. Your a lot of fun when your multiple personality of positive choses to show up. You need help girlfriend...you need help in a bad way. Unfortunately you have bit the hands of all that have helped you. The ones that would truly practice unconditional love with you...the ones that you should be thanking from the bottom of your heart for all the assistance you have received over the last 9 years. I did it with no one...you have something I have always wanted and you take it for granted. Although I think you take everything for granted except your "own beautiful face". Guess no one has talked to you about wrinkles and age...it will get you too so you may want to find something else to focus all your time on.

Now I wrote this because talking to you is useless...you tell me what you know I want to hear but never follow through. Usually you can lie through your teeth to get your way. I knew this but allowed it because I love my brother and his kids. I wanted to love you to...but since I am a "selfish Bitch" I will not share my love with you. Nor will I EVER be selfish...a Bitch yes...when it is needed...but never selfish. I just chose when to stop giving...your bad names and verbal abuse made me chose to stop.

I want it known that Heather and Hunter always have a place here. I do not "bad talk" parents, you can ask my boys how much abuse I will take but I believe children will draw their own conclusions in due time and they need the opportunity to learn to trust or mistrust without interference from my beliefs. Heath too always has a place.

Erica you don't! I have taken and watched you abuse my family, did you even think about the 8 grand mom and dad had to fork out on your truck to save their own asses?? You will never pay them back...nor will you ever feel guilt for it...you have no conscience. I could go on and on here but I will not if you have any bit of humanness in you you know what you have done to my family. Poison Erica...your Poison to yourself and everyone you claim to care about.

So why are you running now...and why back to Homer. Funny how it happens very quickly while mom and dad are not home. Going to go take advantage of them again...or maybe call them so they will worry and cut their trip short. I beg you not to. Please do not even call them unless it is to say "Hope your trip is wonderful." They will be home soon enough.

I know this has pissed you off, and I know you will go on and on about it to anyone who will listen. Just want you to know...I kept a copy. I will print it out and have no problem showing it to anyone you chose to lie to about it. The truth hurts. I also want to point out that I have said nothing here that I have not said to your face in the past.

On that note...I am going to guess Heath will be pissed at me, probably wont talk to me for awhile so I want him to know...I LOVE him very much and want him and his kids to have a better life than they have. I am willing to do anything in my power to help him....with out you...unless you get some serious help.

Heath...I love you and know what your dealing with...been there done that...when you forgive me for being honest (or maybe thank me)...I will be here.
I would like to point out that at the time this letter was received she had no clue as to what we were doing because we wanted to get the rest of our details worked out before we told everyone. We DID NOT plan this move so that Stan and Terry would cut their vacation short and why should they? Heath and I agree that Stan and Terry needed this vacation and are glad that they decided to do it. If she thinks that they are worn out from us then how must they feel towards her and her constant issues and begging for money? Or how about faking that she had cancer when her entire family knew that she did not.
Why does she feel she has the right to lecture us about getting our life together? Is it because she makes so MANY mistakes in her life that she has the right to condemn people for the mistakes they have made in theirs? So tell me, given her present situation what valuable bits of wisdom has she received and when will she apply them to her own life instead of messing around with someone else’s life?

“”…I have always had a roof over my kid’s heads, meals in their tummies and the school always knew how to find me…””

How quickly she has forgotten the condition she was living when she called Alaska and borrowed money from everyone including Heath and I so she could move her family up here. I am assuming that the jab about the school always knowing how to find you is regarding the school nurse contacting Heidi’s house. Let me ask this. In the days before cell phones if your kids were in school and you had to go to the store, did they know how to find you there? The phone call was about the kid’s eye appointment and was NOT an emergency had it been they knew that I was at home and they could contact me there. I left instructions with the principal.
Also how much of a home is your house with no heat, warm water to wash your dishes or bathe your children? How about a way to cook your food or a light to read by? Did she make sure that all these were taken care of before she ran off to Anchor Point for the summer? Nope. She left it all up to her husband and her CHILDREN. What lesson are we supposed to learn from that? When she is speaking about roofs over her children’s heads is she talking about the two homes she has had repossessed? When have my children EVER not had a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs?

“””…Erica may have been raised the way you guys are living...but Heath was not. He was not raised to be mean and negative. To put up with abuse both verbal and physical. and he was NEVER in want of food, clothing, or a warm bed. Erica you seem to thrive best on abuse, negative and dysfunction (your extremely "self indulgent" myspace photo gallery says your self centered)…”””

This is a personal attack on my childhood which I had no control of. While my father was abusive my mother was not and I speak for her when I say that she has no right to say that I was raised to be mean and negative. She had a wonderful childhood so what is her excuse for being mean and negative?
As far as the verbal and physical abuse yes I do have a temper and yes I have talked to my husband in ways that are shameful. I do not and can not deny it. Had anybody been around us in the last year they would have noticed that changes have been made and while I am still a work in progress there is light at the end of the tunnel. As far as the physical abuse I do not physically abuse my husband! How silly is that!
No person thrives on abuse, negativity and dysfunction if she was as educated as she claims she would know this. A person may get short term satisfaction or feel good for the moment but they do not actually thrive and I am no exception. I do not crave negativity and dysfunction and it seems since the letter I received was not prompted by any actions by me or my husband, so the only person who likes negativity and dysfunction is her. Now ask yourselves how many times has she stirred the pot in your relationship each time blaming someone else and each time it is caused by a shortage of her meds or other “stuff”. The old saying goes misery loves company and she is a perfect example.
As for my photos they are mine and that is myspace if you do not like looking at my photos then don't. I take pictures of myself to show examples of what my photography abilities are and also to show to family members who have not seen me in almost twenty years who I am. If I am self centered for taking these pictures then so is every person on myspace! What about a person very close to her who also enjoys taking pictures of herself does that also mean that she is self indulgent and self centered? And isn't anything we do for ourselves self indulgant? So I guess because I enjoy taking pictures, when I am doing that I am being self indulgent. Guilty! Ha Ha Ha!

“””You scream obscenities at people who help you and not even to their faces...only over the phone while they are talking to your husband (my brother by the way)…”””

Uh, first what did you did you do for us? A roof over our head and a place to store our stuff? Maybe she should explain to everybody how much money we brought into her home when we stayed with her, or maybe that SEVERAL nights we paid for dinner for the entire house because she had no food! Lets see we were two supplying food for how many? Anywhere from 7 to 9 people! Not to mention the OTHER “stuff” we contributed to her household. On top of that she had the nerve to call her parents and beg them for
money to help with her “burden” and she was hurt when her mom wouldn't. She used her brother and I as excuses to beg for money and complain to others. Oh and thanks for throwing my kid’s toys in my front yard just because she got her panties in a wad. I mean what was that about and why did she do that to my kid‘s stuff?
I haven't screamed in several, several months and the time on the phone she is referring to I did not even yell it. I did call her selfish and rightly so. I invited her kids over for my daughter's birthday party and she couldn’t get over herself for two minutes and let the kids come over. Also I thought it
would be an offer that she would enjoy due to the fact that it was her belated anniversary and her and her husband could get away! She did the same thing to our son on his birthday so I shouldn't have expected anything different.
Also she does not deserve to call him her brother. All she has done to him is put him in a bad position and every time she bad mouths me she is hurting him. Also if she loved him so much why would she call him and accuse him of stealing his brother’s trailer? After we talked to him he told us he had no clue where she came up with that?! Why would she do that to my husband if she cared SO much for him?

“””…Maybe you should consider letting someone else raise your kids until you can get it together....so they to are not living off family when they grow up...kids learn from their parents. and yours are not learning good skills to function as adults...Josh is a great example of this. Anger and negative turned him into a pessimistic angry person who has trouble trusting anyone. Do you want this for your kids....think of their future girlfriends and boy friends....how they will treat their kids. Open your eyes to your own behavior as well as Josh and Crystals...you will see a resemblance with out the obsessive need to hurt people Erica has…”””

This part really bothered me. Once again she feels she has the right to talk so poorly about my ability to raise my children. How dare she. Yes we have not been stable and I realize they need that but they are NOT in any harm so why should someone else raise them? Was she thinking that she could do it better? This coming from the woman who let her daughter do WHAT at eight years old and now lets a fifteen year old girl run the streets of Anchorage at two o’clock in the morning! I dare anyone else try to tell me I should let someone else raise my children!
I care deeply for the people around me who love me for who I am and the ones who deserve respect. If you are not on that list it is not my problem and you have probably done something in the past to get crossed off that list! I do not have an obsessive need to hurt people I will just ignore you if I don't like you!

“””…Erica your myspace portrait is your personality huh? You would love the control and negative energy a vampire would have...sweet heart your human (as much as some of us hate to claim you with our gender and species you are.) You are evil this I have learned through the years...but the only "magic" you hold is the ability to control those around you because they do not want to hear you big mouth blast off…”””

Just to clarify for those who do not know what portrait is mentioned above it is a self portrait that I photo shopped one day while fooling around with my program. I did it just to see if I could and because it is a good talent to have for editing my pictures. I chose a vampire because I was fixing my teeth and I thought it would be funny! I also thought it would be a good way to show how good I was if I made it look realistic! Recently due to the upcoming Halloween season not only did I change my background to a spooky scene I also put the only spooky picture I had on there. I did not do this picture because I want to be a Vampire how asinine can she be?! Just to let her know Vampires are mythical creatures and they are NOT real. I don’t have magical powers nor do I control any one.

""“…The ones that would truly practice unconditional love with you…""“

Does she even know what unconditional means? Maybe she should pull out that dictionary again! If she truly practiced unconditional love then why did she write this letter? She has never practiced unconditional love for me and it might even be fair to say that for everyone she knows. This has been true since her first trip to Alaska and has only gotten worse over the years.

“””…I did it with no one...""“

Was this before or after she borrowed money to fly up here, then stayed at her mom and dad's house, then they paid to ship all her stuff up here, or bought the tan truck for her, found her first trailer in Homer, gave her a job at the video store and borrowed money from us! She mentioned being thankful for the things done for me but claiming that she did it with no one makes her seem a little ungrateful herself!

""...you have something I have always wanted and you take it for granted. Although I think you take everything for granted except your "own beautiful face". Guess no one has talked to you about wrinkles and age...it will get you too so you may want to find something else to focus all your time on.""

First when she talks about me having something she always wanted is she talking about my husband? There seems to be this jealousy issue that is what all of her nasty remarks and crap she has pulled has been about. What do I take for granted? How blessed I am that I have a wonderful husband that does know the meaning of true unconditional love and two beautiful children. Every day that I wake up and the stress of life gets me down I just have to remind myself how lucky I really am! As far as she thinking I am beautiful, I guess a thank you is in order because I have wrinkles and grey hair. When I was working I did my hair every day and applied makeup just like MOST females out here. Now that I am not working I have no reason to wear it anymore. I just have this thing called self respect and I try not to walk around twenty four seven looking like I just rolled out of bed!

""“ …I do not "bad talk" parents…""“

This definitely not true! When she started telling people that the reason my children were crossed eyed was because I dropped them or in another story I shook them is that not bad mouthing me? She told one girl that I gave my children shaking baby syndrome! How dare she! She has drug my name as a parent through the mud so many times I can not even count them all. It is sick to hear the stories that get back to me about what she has said. I am glad the only way she can back her case is by lying . I am not the only parent in our family that she has claimed to be unfit it all depends on how bad a day she is having and who she is talking to.

“""…I have taken and watched you abuse my family, did you even think about the 8 grand mom and dad had to fork out on your truck to save their own asses?? You will never pay them back...nor will you ever feel guilt for it...you have no conscience…”""

First off the truck was not just MY responsibility my husband and I are a team when it comes that so anything you accuse me of you are also accusing your brother. Second yes we did get the truck repossessed. I worked hard for the money to get that truck back harder than I have in my life because I also had rent to pay for. Do you know what it is like to have earned that money, all of it, and getting that sigh of relief knowing you have it taken care of it, then the disappointment of having it all slip through your fingers because your boss won't pay you? Your parents have NOT forked any money over for the truck and I have already talked to your mom and we have discussed payment arrangements regarding the debt that is left to them. When the truck was taken we not only lost our vehicle for work but also our way to get our kids to their appointments and even a simple trip to the grocery store was almost impossible. If there was anything we could have done to keep that truck we would have. We know have to live with not only not having ANY transportation but with the fact that we had paid so much into that truck and have nothing to show for it. Yes I have my moments where I have argued with certain people in the family and while I will not except entire blame for those fights I do acknowledge my part in them. When it comes to fights I have had with her she has instigated and fueled them ALL. She talks of abuse but the only person who has brought this abuse is her. She is the one who doesn't have a conscience. You know why? Because she is so crazy she actually believes the crap she spews forth so she will never think she is wrong for any of the crap she pulls. Since she has never been held accountable for all the things she has done it doesn’t help. Like telling me this summer that her Mother made her four year old daughter serve my children and then went on to explain to me how my children are mentally challenged and developmentally behind because they never have to do anything for themselves. What crap. My daughter is SEVERAL levels above her classmates and my son could take apart her car and put it back together again.

""So why are you running now...and why back to Homer. Funny how it happens very quickly while mom and dad are not home. Going to go take advantage of them again...or maybe call them so they will worry and cut their trip short. I beg you not to. Please do not even call them unless it is to say "Hope your trip is wonderful." They will be home soon enough.""

See here once again she is completely full of BS. She doesn’t know what she is talking about so she has to come up with false scenarios so she seems intelligent? (This is also the case for all her “medical knowledge” ) This is how intelligent she is. She runs off to Anchor Point once again ditching her family because she is concerned that we were moving into Stan and Terry’s when all she had to do was contact her son, Heidi or even talk to her parents who we had already told what we were doing. No she has to freak out and runs to Homer using the excuse that she had to help her in laws. She may try to deny this but this was confirmed y a VERY reliable source that I know she will not want to call a liar who by the way thought she was silly for her actions!
Her concern makes me laugh because I remember a time a few years back when she broke into her parents home and snuck Chris in and was caught when her brother walked in on her. The sick part was they were doing right there on the living room floor and she didn’t even bother stopping!
So to clear things up we are staying with MY mom in Homer, we never even planned on staying at your parents and when have we taken advantage of your parents? Once and for all I want this made clear so she can quit being so jealous! My husband worked for Stan for many years devoting his entire life so far to that store. He has sacrificed so much for that store all the while being told he would be running it someday and then his son would. Everything besides the truck was a fair trade at the time. My husband has done more for your father than any of you and while that may be harsh it is true. What did any of you do for your father and that store? Oh that’s right you were all busy with your lives which is understandable, but you all act like now you have been there all along. She left at fifteen because she couldn’t keep her legs closed and got knocked up and left state. She will obviously always have DAD issues and I wonder when did she stop saying all those horrible things about her parents? ALL those lies about how horrible they were to her or has she forgotten all the things she has said?

Well there it all is. I know that most will think this letter inappropriate and that is your right. I have been accused of many things and I am finally putting a stop to the sickness. Over the past ten years I have had to listen to people accuse me of countless atrocities and I have had to take it always being told “that’s just the way they are” is it no wonder I am the angry person I am today? I have been shown letters written to my husand telling him how sorry everyone is that he is stuck with me and how they know that he is only with me because he fears I will take the kids from him. I have heard countless rumors spread about me including that I slept with some other guy. I never did sleep with some other guy and to this day Heath is my first and only. You would all love to believe that I had though. What you guys don’t see is you do not need an excuse, you just dislike me and some even hate. What I have to come to terms with is I can’t make any of you like me and I am done trying. I will be civil because of my husband but that is it. I will no longer be torn apart by jealous vicious people who are so unhappy in their lives that they have to destroy someone else’s .
I have been accused of controlling and abusing my husand but look at what ALL of you have done to him. You think you are supporting him but you are pushing him into a direction he does not want to go. You act like he has no intelligence and is unable to make his own decisions. You have constantly told him how wrong he is for the choices he makes including marrying me. How do think that affects him? You talk of abuse and control but what do you call your behavior?
At this point I am giving this warning. Have you heard of Slander and Defamation of Character? Well she is pushing the issue and my next step to get a gag order put into effect because I have had ENOUGH! This has gone beyond just simple concern for her brother and is now a vindictive attack against me and my character.


Princess Sarah said...

You have said alot and I hope you feel better that you have it all off your chest, although now Im sure you have a fear of what is to be said now! Im here for you whenever you need me.

Shana said...

No need to say more...I said what needed said to the person that needed to hear it...not the whole world...and since I have NEVER been offered a conversation to solve these things...just insults while on the phone with others and over the internet...so when you are ready to stop airing our shit to the world...then maybe you will actually talk too me instead of about me...and maybe I will not have fear of cast iron candle sticks hitting my head from a temper tantrum! Yes to Ericas "friends" I am not ashamed to say...I wrote this letter....no need for any of you too know the five year history behind it...just know I take credit for my writing...and I wrote it. No need to not post my name...as anyone we know already knows of this letter...you made sure of that...so go ahead and post it sweety don't hide me...I am the only one who tells you the truth.

Shana said...

and a gag order needs a threat hone...I wrote to you and only you...you chose to make it public...so get that gag order on yourself...No one saw what I wrote until you posted it on the internet...it was originally sent to you in a private formatt.

Shana said...

Alright so this is Brittany.
I think it was rather low of you to bring me into this.
Wtf did i do?
If you have issues with my mom.
Don't make it public on your blog.
Call her up and tell her how you feel.
Like a person.
If either of you two were as grown up as you both wanna claim to be.
You two could work this out and stop attacking each other.

Thank you for telling the entire world about my past life.
And how i grew up.
I don't care how you did.
Mine sucked.
But i'm glad it happened.
Everyone of us learned a lot.
But through all of those hard times.
In Washington or here.
I always knew my Mom was the person i could go to.
For anything.
Sometimes we have our tiffs.
She always kept us happy. Fed. with a roof and bed.
And as for her "faking cancer"
That was extremely low of you.
So were all those doctor lying?
All those expensive life threatening surgery's pointless?
That was probably the WORST part of my whole childhood.
My mom was dying most of it.

Did you ever in your life have to deal with something like that?
At 5 years old.
It started.

Now its finally been shaping up all is going well.
And you come accuse her of faking the whole thing?

I don't even wanna finish reading this.
I'm a bit over halfway though.
Come on you guys.
If you Can't say Nothing Nice.

You are being pretty harsh.
No.. Really harsh.

And whats your excuse?
"She started it!"?
If you didn't do anything and she attacked you as you like to put it.
Then you are just as childish for attacking back.
And putting it here.
No one but you can read messages over myspace.
Unless you choose to show people.

But on blogger?
Come on!
The entire family and god knows who else checks these things.

Okay okay the vampire thing.
Kind of silly yes.

But i dont appreciate how you call your self a "photographer"
And boast about how great you are.

Your work should speak for itself.

There is so much more to a picture..
Then having a digital do it.
Or photoshop.

With a digital i can admit it's too easy to get lucky with pictures.
It hardly taken any talent.
I can admit this.
They are simple.
They are supposed to be.
Thats why they are digital.
And you just happen to have a pretty nice Digital camera.

Take out a 35mm.
Give it a shot.
Develop your own film and prints.
Show me something eye pleasing.
Then i will have some respect for your work.
Im not saying you aren't good.
But.. you are no photographer.

Yes my mom Needed help getting up here.
And getting her life straight.
But Grandma didn't buy that truck.
And we only lived with her for three months.

Can you say the same?

And why are you putting words in her mouth?
When did she say you dropped or shook your kids?

She is aware that Cross eye is a hereditary disease..
Only capable of getting through Genetics.
She knows this because i too am cross eyed.
Or i was..
I no longer need the glasses.
It was corrected thankfully.
I'm glad anyway.

And i don't ever recall her calling anyone an unfit parent.
Other than you.
Which was pretty harsh but she didn't use those words.

And again she didn't say it publicly.

Didn't you take out a loan?
To get your truck?
i dont remember..

And since when do bosses not pay you?
Isn't that illegal?

"When it comes to fights I have had with her she has instigated and fueled them ALL. She talks of abuse but the only person who has brought this abuse is her. She is the one who doesn't have a conscience. You know why? Because she is so crazy she actually believes the crap she spews forth so she will never think she is wrong for any of the crap she pulls. Since she has never been held accountable for all the things she has done it doesn’t help."

All i see in that comment is a bunch of shit talk.
Bad mouthing.
Like Gossip.
High school drama.
OH speaking of..
Your blog on myspace.
She did not make me post that.
I posted that myself.
With my own opinion.
And my own words.

I also have the right to post my feeling where i please.
It is in The Bill of Rights.

Im not going to say anything about how "advanced" or "unadvanced" your children are.
-Which ever it may be-
Because it i really have no idea.
I do know that your kids are awesome kids.
Hunter probably could take apart a car and put it back together.

If only schools would make That a required class to take for credit.
But it isn't.
No matter what your good at.
You still have to learn all that other crap.

-btw that was more of my own ranting..
again not a comment towards your children's education

"See here once again she is completely full of BS. She doesn’t know what she is talking about so she has to come up with false scenarios so she seems intelligent? (This is also the case for all her “medical knowledge” )"

Again i see more bad mouthing.
That is so high school.
Not even.
I am a high schooler.
And i do not talk about people like that.
Not behind their backs,
Not to their faces,
And not Publicly.

Its rude.
And it creates Bad Karma.
how can you expect anything good to come back around..
If you send out bad.

And She does not ditch her family.
She was gone for three days.

Oh yeah Btw..
We do have Heat, Light, Food, Hot Water, a way to cook our food, and all that other stuff you said we did not.
When the heat was off.
We didn't use it anyway.
The only one who complained was Donald Todd.
Go Figure.

And she did have to help her in laws.
With some stupid shit.
But Wanda did ask her too.

Not to mention she was just getting away on a break.
It was long past due.

Me and Crystal arranged with her to take care of things.
And it all worked out well.
Please Get all the facts straight.

If your gonna talk shit.
You might as well be informed.

"She may try to deny this but this was confirmed y a VERY reliable source that I know she will not want to call a liar who by the way thought she was silly for her actions!"

And that right there.
Bringing more people into the situation that should only be between the Two of you.

"She left at fifteen because she couldn’t keep her legs closed and got knocked up and left state."

-This is true.
But guess what.
None of your Business.

"She will obviously always have DAD issues and I wonder when did she stop saying all those horrible things about her parents? ALL those lies about how horrible they were to her or has she forgotten all the things she has said?"

-That was inappropriate.
She loves Grandpa.
Who doesnt?

Every teen has issues with their parents.
One of those cases of unconditional love.

By the way..
No one is pushing heath anywhere.
he is just chillen.
Living and trying to make it.
it's all good.
You know how to hit it where it hurts.
not just towards my mom but also to me.
and im thinking some others too.

That's all i have to say about that.

If people do not think that I wrote this. -I as in Brittany-
You can give me a call.
i tried not to bad mouth towards anyone.
or point fingers.
just defend those who needed it.
if you were offended by it.
then talk to me about.
maybe we can work it out.

real eyez said...

Brittany, I have told you this once and I will state it again. I WILL NOT try to get you to go against your mother. I do not expect it and nor should I. I will say this though you know only what your mother tells you and EVERYTHING I wrote was true including her faking her most recent cancer incident. I was not speaking of her prior cancer because I was not there.
I chose to write this and post it on blogger because I am tired of the continuing twisting of the truths by your mother. If I wrote her a letter and sent it to only her she would lie and twist it.

I am glad you had a wonderful childhood! (and that wasn't me being sarcastic-I mean it)

Also I am not claiming that I am a great photographer but I have gotten praise for it and it makes me happy. I have finally found a past time that I enjoy.
**pho·tog·ra·phy (fə-tŏg'rə-fē) pronunciation

1. The art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.
2. The art, practice, or occupation of taking and printing photographs.
3. A body of photographs.

Even if you are not impressed with the pictures I take I am. I am a photographer and the images I take are not beautiful just because of the type of camera I use. You should know that photography isn't based on what you are taking your pictures with but what you are taking pictures of.
Also maybe you should look at the many photographers that alter their work with digital assistance. I do not alter all my pictures and then when I do it is usually just to cover my friend's dark circles or get rid of peoples zits.
People who do this professionally are called retouch artists.

To Shana
You asked for this and according to the attorney I have spoken to down here I DO have a case against you. I have several people who are willing to testify against you about the things you have said.
***A type of defamation. Slander is an untruthful oral (spoken) statement about a person that harms the person's reputation or standing in the community. Because slander is a tort (a civil wrong), the injured person can bring a lawsuit against the person who made the false statement.***So I think the person who should watch what she says is you.

I feel no guilt for writing this letter and while I do not remember throwing anything at you I am not saying I didn't. The difference between me and you? I do not have to lie and I DO admit when I am wrong and you don't. You have viciously attacked me since you first met me and have done everything in your power to either hurt me or piss me off. You are just upset about me posting this because finally someone has spoken out about your lies. I guess as you posted awhile ago the truth hurts and everything in that letter was the truth and while you may not admit it to your self others know it.
You will NOT be satisfied until Heath and I are no longer together.
Well you have a LONG wait.
Let us live our lives! Please leave us alone.

real eyez said...

Oh also my husband is the only person who tells me the truth you have only spoken lies.

Shana said...

Well thanks for making public your version of my life...seems to me you missed a couple things...like I have five kids from four different guys...I am not stooping to this level...BUT I WILL POINT OUT...I sent the original message to you and you alone...NO ONE COULD READ IT BUT YOU...you chose to make that letter and my life public...nothing it that letter makes details of your life this crystal clear...and as for the vampire comment ...that is a great picture...you did a wonderful photo shop job on it.

from here...I do not know...but know this...it will be a cold day in hell before I EVER talk to you again about anything...You know were to punch...and do a fine job of it. A lot of this shit was told to you when I thought we were friends...now...I regret sharing anything with you. No one knew a lot of this it was shared with you in hopes it would help you by hearing what I did and how I handled it...obviously you are using it as ammo...it worked...you have hurt me...and I am not nor ever have I denied my past...and if anyone who reads this has any questions...well I hope they find me. As for "the latest round of cancer being faked"...that is low...my whole family was at my bedside when that doctor told us the diagnosis...except you...where do you get off saying that the scar from my breast bone to my spine was faked...I can prove your wrong here ...so when you start slinging shit...make sure I can not back it with paper in writing from a professional...

real eyez said...

Ok honey it hurts doesn't it? While you may have sent this letter to just me your mouth has spread those words to more people than my stupid little blog. Like I said it hurts! It hurts when someone attacks your parenting abilities. It hurts when someone attacks your relationship. It hurts when someone attacks EVERYTHING about you.
Keep playing the victim you do it so well. Keep acting like I am bitch because that is all you know how to do. If you never talk to me again that would be a shame BUT that also means that you will not pull personal information from me that you will twist and tell someone else in an effort to hurt me.
What really hurts is that long ago when you first came up here I liked you and when it is so hard for me to let my guard down and let someone in, I let you in and you hurt me. Not once but often.
You never seemed to realize that I did like you and even at one point looked up to you because you were the domestic person I wasn't and wished I were. Now I have come to realize that even with my temper the only person I want to be is me.
Part of writing that letter was for me to finally get off my chest the things that were weighing me down. I could have written more but didn't because it would have taken so long. Sit back today and think of all the people in your life that you have said bad things to about me even if you think what you were saying was true.
Because I am controlling temper I am learning the things that trigger it. Talking to you is one of my triggers and that is why I have not called you. My husband even wrote you and you still did not except any blame for the letter written. I sat on it in the hopes that you would say you were sorry or that you even felt guilty. Getting down here though and finding out that you actually thought that we were going to break into your parents home and that you made sure to tell people that our truck was repossessed and how horrible we are doing, I knew it was time.
Also I know you are not having Brittany defend you but I will ask that she doesn't anymore because it is not fair because I can not defend myself. I will not bad mouth you to her. I am a bitch but I am not that kind of bitch. She is your daughter so she will naturally defend you. I respect that.
As far as slinging shit I guess I learned it from you. It may have been low but it was a long time coming. You are just angry because you are not getting the satisfaction of me calling you screaming and getting all worked up.
No more!

Anonymous said...

Brittany Says:
I know the past about my Mom.
Better than you do.
I forgive and forget.
People Screw up.
She seems to have it together now.

Re-read that Definition.
Didn't it say something about..
producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces.
Hahahaha. Oh wow.

real eyez said...

Obviously you have once again only read what you wanted to read and only retained that which you believe will back your argument. You are correct about that being ONE of the definitions, just below it though was another definition. The art, practice, or occupation of taking and printing photographs.

By denying that I am a photographer in your mind does nothing to me because I know I am and the greatest thing any artist can receive is criticism because that means people are actually looking at your work. If you truly love art and beauty you would see the whole picture, not just a small portion of it.

Anna said...

WOW thats all I have to say about this... Erica put a sock in it... you are so incredibly imature...it makes me sick, as if you really don't have anything better to do than target somone that wrote you a personal letter....personal do you know what that is...didn't think so. I really just want to throw up on you right now...to think someone is so discrased by their own life they feel the need to point the fingers at other people to feel better. i just can't stop thinking...Wow...wow...I hate to say it but I'm outside the family and Erica you are a selfish, superficial little whiny girl...all I've ever seen from you was either you yelling at your husband , spending money on yourself, or trying to outdo everyone around you...anyone ever tell you the important things in life aren't material?...guess not

real eyez said...

Hey twisted tye dye I would love to respond to this but it is ALL CRAP! You don't mean anything to me and therefor your opinion does not matter.
Maybe you should grow up and find something more important to occupy your time that attacking somebody you don't know.
She is a big girl and fight her own battles.

Anna said...