Sunday, August 19, 2007


Oh What Fun!

Saturday was spent relaxing, recouperating and a little mall walk for exercise. Oh, yeah and taking some pictures. :) I have been neglecting my poor camera! Sissy has been feeling better today, she got up this morning with no fever. Butch on the other hand is still not feeling well, he is still running a small fever and has started coughing a little bit. Sissy got sick first, so I am hoping that Butch will be better tomorrow.
The kids spent most of the day playing with their cousin and watching movies, so we
decided they needed to burn off some energy. So we went on a mall walk! The first few laps were fine, but soon the kids got bored. I guess walking the mall and NOT buying something seemed really weird to them.


I don't wanna get out!
Oh, so pretty!
One bottle to many!
Hermit crabs with painted shells?
One question came to mind. Where is the rest of them?
Silver Wave!

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