Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And Their Off...
sort of.

Wow. What a start to the 2007-2008 school year.
First we got a school supply list for each kid when we registered them. Our hope was to be able to buy their school stuff gradually over the last month, you know spread out the cost of the long list. Not. We got a wake up call when each kid had a list that was a half page long and on top of that, the list varied depending on which teacher they were assigned to. Which teacher we would not know until TWO days before school at the teachers meet and greet.
When we finally met their teachers the other night and knew which list we had to shop for, I went to Walmart because I figured they would have the best price. We found boxes of crayons for .20 cents and Elmer's glue for .40 cents. I wish I had extra money to spend, because my art drawer is looking kind of bare. I thought those were pretty good prices.
Well taking into consideration that it was two days before school, Walmart was not overly busy or packed.
What really blew my mind was the kid's supplies list. When I scanned over it I saw paper, crayons, scissors you know the basics. Ha. Ha. Ha. The lists were so detailed it came down to the teacher asking for specific brands. Example: If Butch got one teacher she wanted Expo dry erase markers which cost almost $9. Their was an identical set, non Expo brand, for$ 4.11. One teacher requested Crayola and the other Prang. Makes me wonder if the teachers are getting a share of $ money $ earned on school supplies or maybe they are sponsored.
The list shocked me because my son is only in first grade and my daughter is only in third grade.
I felt like my son's list should have been for my daughter and my daughter's list was for a 5th grader. My daughter's class required the minimal amount of crayons, colored pencils and makers.
Well I was not the only one who was surprised. My Mom who tagged along, kept saying "back when I bought stuff for you guys..."
I have to say I feel sorry for any Jr. High or High School parents.
The two things we could not find was a 120 pack of colored pencils for Butch and 5 composition notebooks for Sissy. As we scanned all the isles looking for the notebooks, my Mom asked a Walmart employee if they had any schools supplies somewhere else in the store. The girl did not hesitate with her reply. "No, all our school supplies are all RIGHT here." She made us feel like it was such a stupid question. So my mom explains what we are looking for and asks the girl if she knows where they are at. The girl turns and points "Go several isles down till you see the greeting card section, there is some more school stuff." My Mom turns to me and just starts laughing. "No, all our school supplies are RIGHT here."
I did see the biggest box of colored pencils though. I did not know they came in boxes of 50.!
Well today Sissy made it to school. I really like her teacher she is a soft spoken lady who is really nice and will be perfect for Sissy.
Butch has been sick all weekend and while he was feeling better today he just couldn't make it out the door. I think it was more nerves than his cold, because he refused to go. We made the agreement that he would go tomorrow and he is already back asleep in his bed. I kind of remember him doing something similar last year on the first day.
So tonight we finish buying the paper plates, notebooks, colored pencils and Ziplock bags!
With them off at school I will have plenty of time to start searching for a job!
Oh Yeah!


Stan Harrington said...

Teachers feel that parents havge an unlimited budget, in days of old the property taxes that we pay would also pay for most ofthe school supplies. It is called Public Education, therefore the public should be purchasing some of these items. If moneyu is not availabelin the budget - take it out ofthe teachers sdalary then I bet the list gets real short!

Stan Harrington said...

Thought of all the little ones going back to school today, to some it is sheer joy to others it is torture - especially in August with the Silvers still running.

Princess Sarah said...

Whats going on with the job, your done with kirby? I guess we havent talked in a while...Hey I turned in my app for blockbuster, while I work on my portfolio on the designer thing. Hey when you and Heath move out here when the sportsmans warehouse opens you could help me with designing!! Could be cool.

real eyez said...

Stan! It is nice to finally see back and blogging! I wouldn't mind paying for the stuff if most of it wasn't taken by the teacher and used by the teacher this year or next. They are having my children buy THEIR supplies! It kind of makes me sad for our school system.