Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This entry is in refrence to the Grand Poopa's recent post and even though I don't usually agree with you, you are so right. I remember that morning still very clearly. We were asleep when the first plane hit, but were woke up by you for the second. I woke H up and we watched and cried as the second plane hit. I felt bad for exsposing h to the horror but I also felt that she needed to see it. She needed to know that we are not safe here and that every thing is not ok. There are people out there who want to hurt us.Another thing that I remember is siting at the shop and listneing to the radio and the stories that were unfolding. I remember listening to our presidents speach and having this feeling of relief wash over me. I felt like he could lead and protect us. To this day I have not lost this feeling and he has done or is doing what he promised to do that morning. One other thing I clearly remember is that by later that afternoon you could not buy a flag anywehre in town. It is amazing to see a nation pull together so quickly, but it is sad to see it seperate even quicker.

***Also as i previously posted I watched the movie WMD. In it they show the footage of the towers being struck and then falling and the emotions still are just as strong. It is amazing that after a few years it stills makes me cry. Such and instant loss of inocent life.***


Anonymous said...

It is remarkable, rather useful message

Anonymous said...

Willingly I accept. In my opinion, it is an interesting question, I will take part in discussion.