Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hear are some more pictures. I grabbed a few of my favorites, I hope you guys enjoy them. I am using hello from picasa I like it so far.
I want to take one of the eagle pictures and have it framed.
The sunset was taken on my way to Anchorage and still captivates me. I love the fact that it looks there is a wave coming up on the sun...pretty.

Over the last couple of weeks I have began to think that GS sucks. Do not get me wrong, I still believe that what the GS stand for is good, I just feel that somehow we are missing the point.
When I look at my sister's troop, I see the connection and I see the bond. That is what I thought GS was all about. Well that and to offer these little girls some good influence in life. I have hard time explaining to people why I can not jus quit. At first I thought it was because they didn't understand, but now I am wondering if it is because I can not think of any reason to stay.

Yesterday at work two GS troops showed up to sell cookies. Two parents/leaders to about 10 juniors. The thing about juniors that I am learning is they are in a very awkward phase. Stuck between a big girl and a little girl, their emtions are constanly up and down. Plus they are loud and little like drama queens. ( I say this with love-I have a very emotional girl right now)
Anyways, GS set up two tables and were there for about two hours. The entire time the girls giggled and had to be told to be quiet. The leaders tried but the girls were running around the store and it was very busy ( I am not passing judgement on the leaders-my girls can not sale at the post office this year because how they behaved last year.) Now Safeway has decided not to allow the GS to sell cookies at the store until the end of May. They just eliminated GS #1 selling site. So many troops depend on that store for booth sales.
Also...I HATE LIVING IN A DUPLEX!!!!!!!!!!
Ahh... feel so much better. My landlord keeps asking for a rent check we have already paid her. We have reciepts and bank statements. Yesterday she came over and we told her we needed to talk to her dad. We told her, again, that we have paid every thing owed. Not only that we were just gong over our monthly bills and since we have moved in we are paying over 450 a month for porpane ,that does not include the 700 we first put in the tank because it was empty when we moved in. Yeah that was nice, woke up one morning and had no heat. COOOl.
We pay over 120 a month in electric. One shower does not work so we use the kids...YUCK! Thier friends park in our spot. We have been stuck in our driveway for hours at a time. Can not wait to move....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I often tell my GS that they will get everyone kicked out, never heard of it happening...bummer.