Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I am sorry that I haven’t written much lately. I have been just running around like crazy this past week. I had decided that I wanted to quit Safeway. The drama builds at work as the store gets even further into the remodel and the “little kids” around the store stir the crap in the pot. Stress levels have been getting really high. I fid myself constantly on edge, which surprisingly I handle really well, but I warned my boss already. The thing is I am really nice at work and everyone thinks I am always sweet and polite. When I told my boss that if things did not get any better I was going to loose what little patience I had left. He laughed at me, which tells me that he does not know me very well.
Anyways I finally went to the head store manager (absolutely adores me). I was originally was going to tell him that I was quitting and give him my notice. Then I found out someone just quit and started feeling guilty about leaving. So I told him that I needed to take some time off or I was quitting. I explained that the stress and drama was getting to me and I wanted to use my 5 vacation days. He gave me one extra day off with my normal two. UURRG!
Recently I have been really enjoying reading everyone’s blog, and I have made reading them a daily routine. Sometimes it is the first thing I do when I get up and the first thing I do when I get home. I think this is a fun and cheap way of keeping us together even though we are apart. I love the humor and the trivia. I love that people read my site and even more excited when they leave comments. I have given my blog site name tom mom who will be giving it to my family down south so they can see pictures of the kids and our life. This also makes me very happy because I have not seen any of them since 89. And just to let you all know how much it means to me, the people I left down there were part of one the happiest times I ever had growing up. I miss them lots and can not wait until I can see them in person and they can meet my kids.
Anyways, back to blogs. While I was reading the Grand Poopa’s site, I saw that there has been a new rule added to the Clan Laws. Please read below for the law as was written by the Grand Poopa himself…

Being that you have all by unanimous consent, which is only right considering my stature, selected me as the Grand Poopa, I will be making an official proclamation for all clans; in that all "adult" members of the clans shall wear bra's. Being the sensitive new age guy that I am, I feel that it is only right that no differences exist between the attire of female and male members of the clans.
It will be permissible to decorate the bra in any manner the individual desires!
Now I would like to say that I think it is a Grand idea, believing that we are all equal and if I us females have to wear them-so do you men! I only find a couple of problems with the idea. The Grand Poopa has decreed that the spouses will wear matching bra sizes to camp. I wear a 34c (yes, they are shrinking I am thinking of getting a free boob job, but hat is for another story) I also have a narrow rib cage which allows me to wear a small bra size. While my husband could probably stuff the cups to fill them in, I think he would have a hard time fitting it around his chest. I would also like to point out the leaders of the bison clan, could you see them sharing bras? The female bison’s bras would barely fit around the male bison’s head.
Also you have not declared what kind of bras they have to be. Are we supposed to under wire or pushup? Do they have to be worn on the outside of the clothes or under?
I would also think it would be great to have fashion contest during this next summer. Great laughs for all. I got a new camera…

I would also like to use this post to promote a movie to open all eyes. WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction. This movie is the counter version of Michael Moore’s Farenhieght 911, except it takes a different approach than I thought it would. This film depicts what life was like in the 30+ years that Sadam Hussien terrorized people. Not just any people, but his own people. This film shows why we are over there. When you watch the movie you are made sick by the things he has done and angry at what his people went through and the fear they felt. Could you seriously imagine in one half hour period a bunch of men invading your town taking all the males old and young, killing your children and raping your young women? These tales come form the people themselves. I will warn it is not for the faint of heart just because they show what he did and it was horrible. Men, women and children it did not matter. Thank you to the owner of the Video store for ordering this insightful film. I will be recommending it to everyone I can. I would also like to point out that this film was way less biased than Farenhieght 911.
I will leave you all with these thoughts. Sorry if it is long winded. Till next time…

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