Friday, April 23, 2010


Stan Harrington said...

Well put together, the momentum has turned to the "right", but caution needs to be exercised that the momentum does not play itself out before November 2010. A lot of Americans have been awakened by the "Tea Party", perhaps it is best to lie dormant but still visible during the summer and escalate the momentum again prior to the November elections. It would only take a "handful" of right ring radicals doing something stupid to reverse the course. You see it on the news, any small tidbit of wrong doing by someone representing or taking an active role in the movement is expounded by the liberal news media.

real eyez said...

Yes, that was something that weighed on my mind yesterday...wondering if since there are some temporary up's in the economy if the tea party will dissipate and loose steam, all of us becoming complacent again.
You other concern is right on! Unfortunately the Tea Party has been associated with some radical groups and those groups worry me.
Death threats and acts of violence are not going to get us anywhere but shut down and ridiculed.
The smartest thing to do is just start educating and getting active in our government not by being hateful or disruptive. I fear the damage those groups could have on the movement and as you said EVERY wrong move made will be blasted all over the liberal press.