Saturday, November 03, 2007

What a Week!!

Well first the kids have been doing wonderful in school! I am really pleased with both of their efforts and patience. This last week went smoothly with only one day missed due to their teacher having the flu, it was short though and school resumed the next day. It has been nice since most of what they are learning is a refresher with some new material. Sissy is moving into some math that looks a lot like algebra due to the letters that are in the problems and they give me several different ways to present the info to her so she has grasped it really well. She also likes mythology and American history.
Butch is sailing through math since he is back to patterns, but this next week he will be back on number basics. He is doing well in reading and enjoys science since he is now the proud owner of a microscope.
Last Saturday we went to the haunted Hickory, for those who do not know the Coast Guard decorate their ship as a haunted house and take canned food as admission. We sat in line for over an hour at the Coast Guard dock listening to the creepy music and screams that floated from the ship. When it was finally our turn and we were about to enter the doors and Butch decided that he was DONE. This pictures proves it all!

He is telling me that HE WASN'T going in there!!! He scored big time though. Me and Sissy decided to go ahead (after Mommy told her that it was just fake) and Butch was escorted to the bridge where he got to sit in the captain's chair! Sissy made it about fifteen seconds and was ready to leave after the strange man tapped her on the shoulder. She did admit after making it safely to the well lit parking lot that she wishes she would have went on. Oh well next year! They are both on the SPOTTED page of the Homer News though if you want to take a peek!
All week was spent doing school and making Halloween costumes. Butch decided due to a REAL police badge found around the house that he was going to be a cop. GREAT! Sissy decided that she wanted to be a cat which was a little easier. I was making their costumes from scratch so the more complex the more worried I was that I could do it. While I am sure that a store bought version would have looked better he wouldn't have been any happier and Sissy was really happy with her ears that "didn't fall down". I think considering that I made his hat and her ears completely from scratch (cardboard, cloth and hot glue) it all came out pretty good.

They went trick or treating and finished the evening up at the Salvation Army church where they claimed several stuffies and LOTS more candy. Nachos, popcorn and lemonade was served and they even made it home with two plates of desserts! Sissy also conned Granny and Larry into taking home a a gold fish she had won. Her argument? "Its gonna die anyway!" Who could argue with that.
The fish was named Buster and had to be put in the cupboard every night so that it did not become food for the cats. Sadly this morning Buster was found floating sideways and it was decided that a burial at sea would appropriate. Larry suggested that the kids say a few words in memory of Buster so they said "Good Bye." and flushed 'em. No tears or second thoughts for dear poor old Buster!

So this is the CAT ZOO. Stone and Shadow spend their days out here playing and lounging in the cat hammocks. It even has a sky bridge and if the want to climb they have almost ten feet of climbing wall. They also have a little bird that stops in to torment them, but they have recently lost interest due to larger prey, a Rhode Island Red rooster who has decided to adopt the back yard as his. As far as we know he has no owners and is not even afraid of Koda, which strangely doesn't mind the funny bird either.
This is the best picture I have gotten of him so far but right as I took the picture he turned his head so he looks like the headless rooster! He is a really beautiful bird though so hopefully when I can afford batteries for my camera I will get a better picture of him.

As for me I fill my days with teaching the kidos and while at first I thought it would be hard it has actually turned out to be a lot of fun and rewarding!
In the evenings I have turned to reading and watching a few shows with my mom. I have missed last weeks episode of Shark but I will NOT miss it this weekend!
In the evenings I have been studying the work of John Hedgecoe, he teaches all styles of photography, and I have just become fascinated with some new styles and can't wait to really try some new techniques! (damn batteries!) I am also starting from the basics with DIGITAL CAMERA SOLUTIONS which I need to do so desperately. Unfortunately the camera is out of commission for a awhile, which is ok because it gives me time to read.
Also another good book my mom turned me onto: Wicked: the Life and Times Of the Wicked Witch of the West. I guess it explains why the wicked witch is the way she is and how she was turned wicked by others misunderstanding of who she was. I will let all know if it is any good!

Well this post has been long enough so I will say good night to all and until next book is calling!


Princess Sarah said...

Thanks for the pictures now I know what you've been telling me about. I love how their costumes turned out. You are so creative. I couldn't tell It was them If I hadn't read it. what a great job you did.

Princess Sarah said...

Oh I am so sad to hear fishy didn't last very long hope the kids are doing ok after their loss

real eyez said...

Fishy WHO? Just joking! The kids are over poor buster.

Stan Harrington said...

Great pictues, Hunter looks so different - a bad cop! If you can get a frontal shotof the rooster, you might try walking around in front of him and clicking your camera. An old trick I learned in Wildlife Photography Class 101, from a frontal shot always shoot from the front. Wanta borrow my shotgun - just in time for Thanksgiving!

Stan Harrington said...

P.S. Tell Hunter that I am still carrying my special "pocket watch", it brought me some great luck in Laughlin and Lake Tahoe!