Monday, October 09, 2006


I have a new step brother and friend. His real name is Larrykin, but I have affectionately nicknamed him Freak. He is a silver, grey and white Oci cat from Aussie. I gave him the name after seeing him several times just freak out. My mom has bamboo wood floors that are very slippery so it is quite humorous when he decides to freak out. He scrambles and try as hard as he might he just doesn't go anywhere. He is a very lovable cat who if any cat needed ritalin, he would be the one, not that I would because he is so hilarious. He loves chaos and disorder and infact he demands it. He has this habit of seeing anything sitting peacefully on a table he has to knock it off. This confused me at first because he doesn't play with the things he knocks off, he just can't stand it sitting there. Also when you wake up he has gotten into so many things that it is almost unbelievable. I am still trying to figure out how he got some of the things he has. He loves chili cheese fritos, popsicles, his toys and his step sister Snoop. He seems to know when you are sad and crawls into your lap to give you kisses and generally acts like a goof until you laugh at him. He has also proven that cats are not always graceful and they do not always land on their feet. He also has a mean back flip that I have got on tape for any of those disbelievers. I also think he might have a future in some S&M, for he likes his pets hard, and if you are not petting him hard enough he will show you how. I will post pictures of him when I can, but John's site has a picture that looks identical to Freak. Let Sissy know for she was asking what he looked like.
I have again changed my blog site to accomodate comments and I think I like this template better anyways.


Princess Sarah said...

He sounds like a cat that knows what he wants, miss ya

john r mclay said...

Our old cat, Leo, used to backflip for a mouse on a string. Fetched small wires and vinyl tubing, also.

real eyez said...

I think that is why cats have always been so special to me. You can dominate a dog by teaching him to sit and stay, but a cat does as it pleases. I have always found cats that have that weird personality and each cat that I have owned I will always remember and laugh.

Shana said...

cats rule dogs drool!!!