Thursday, August 24, 2006

I have snuck this moment to write a quick note in my blog. I really have missed writtting and it makes me think of how at first I thought blogging was silly. I find myself rating things that happen to me every day or wierd things I see. Is that blog worthy and if so how blog worthy was it?
Anyways we have made our big move. I think I have hear it referred as LA? Anyways we are staying in our friends mobile home or if we must speak truthfully, really long trailor. I guess it is ok for now . I t is clean and fully furnished and the neghbors aren't that bad. We just have to really watch the kids and the dogs because the nieghbor has three or four pitbulls. They seem to be nice and get along with our dogs, who are behind a fence. So the kids are not allowed to leave the fence without mom or dad and we stand outside if the pitbulls are out. Other than that I am still getting used to the traffic and airplanes.
The upside? I went down and registered the kids at the same school that the little wolfies go to. Sissy will hopfully start tomorrow with only missing two days, Butch will have an interview and starts Monday. Sigh. I think that the size of the school is nice and not to much more than the kids are used to, plus Sissy is excited about walking with the Wolfies.
Papa moose has been looking for work. We thought looking for a job would be easy considering the amount of work but it is almost overwhelming that amount of jobs. He has applied for three jobs and will go meet in person tomarrow. Double Sigh.
Well better go for now ...will write again soon...


Heidi said...

Hey Lady...does this mean youa are all hooked up at the new house?

Stan Harrington said...

Ain't never seen this type of comment log in before, can't read the little words, looks like Greek so I just punch on one. This is the the same site as you had before but it is good to see that you are in Blog Land again - it has been awhile since you lasted posated, like April! Glad things are working out and the kids are into school - tell Hunter that Grandma makes me "warm hot coco" now that he is gone. Tell Heath that they are counting fish again using tyhe sonar, the first day they counted 1500 silvers which brought the count up to 10,000 fiush but they had five days that they did not count so if they average 1,200 fish a day, that is a total run of 15,000 fish or so, pretty close to last year. I fished from the bridge to Gus's run today, thirty one silvers and four Steelhead later I called it a day, perhaps the best day I have ever had Silver Fishing on the Anchor River. I have a good job concept, Heath, John and Donnie could sit up a guide service for salmon fishing on Ship Creek and you could handle all their bookings, Heidi can fix the lunches, and Shana can transport - what a business concept.