Monday, August 28, 2006

Blah Monday

Butch and Sissy are off to school. Butch got to make gingerbread men first thing this morning. Wow, I would love that. Smart teacher though. Anyways we are still waiting for them to get home so we can hear how their day went. It makes me wonder what Butch thinks of school. We were wondering if the Grand Poopa could bring the Brown dog and my pay check up with you when you come up for Sissy's B-day. It would really save us the drive for now.

Anyways, if the kids come home with something exciting to say, we will try and write later! We are going job hunting!

1 comment:

Stan Harrington said...

What brown dog, didn't you take him with you? Bet the kids are having a ball in school, anxious to hear some of the Butch stories!