Thursday, June 05, 2008

Branch Oak Lake

Sunday we discovered a new pastime that we all seem to be addicted to. This last week temperatures have risen and along with them, the humidity, which has drove me to running my head under cold water just to survive. Most activities are limited on these days and so the day drags on. You can just be standing outside and you sweat.
At night the little relief we have is the small fan that sits at the foot of our bed and the limitless supply of otter pops.
Heather has been begging us to take her swimming which is really funny because she has always been scared of swimming. Heath found Oak Branch Lake and we all loaded up in the car and headed out. We spent the day swimming and yes even the kids swam. We learned that Hunter does not have the switch in his brain to tell him to be scared. He has gone under a couple of times and when Heath pulls him back up he has this smile on his face. Heather is putting great effort in actually swimming and the next thing we are going to teach her is to float on her back. We had so much fun when my next day rolled around on Wednesday we headed back out to the lake which was cut short by bad weather and Tornado warnings. Everyone except Heather suffered sunburns and we found that Heath does actually tan. Despite the sun block Hunter burned probably the worse and he now has a tan any farmer would be proud of. We are trying to convince him to take his shirt off but he refuses.
The last couple of weeks the weather has been moody. It will be sunny and hot all day then by night it clouds over, thunder starts rolling and then the rain comes. By morning it is sunny again and it all starts over. On Wednesday while we were at the lake I got the alert of a Tornado watch witch just means we are on the lookout but nothing serious yet. We have gotten one watch per week for the last couple of weeks now. While swimming the clouds rolled in ad the sky began to get darker and we packed up and headed out. By the time we hit Lincoln the storm was coming fast and there is no real way to describe it but a wall of blackness rolling through the sky it was straight up something out of a moving. By the time we reached the north side of Lincoln where I work, the Tornado watch had been upgraded to Tornado Warning which is more serious and we were right at the front of this storm. All light was sucked out of the sky and then the Tornado sirens went off it was time to head home. The streets on that side of town were clearing fast and as fascinating the storm was we did not want to get caught up in that. I took lots of footage and in one you can actually hear them talk about baseball sized hail coming down at Branch Oak Lake and Tornadoes coming down in the area around it. Good thing we left.
Well the kids are enjoying themselves but they are still very excited to come back to visit. Heather is determined to get a frog from the lakes but each time she catches one we do not have anything to put the frog into. I think we will be getting a puppy again now that Koda is older and mellowing out a little bit. We have looked at a French Mastiff female that someone at work has. She wanted something that she could walk .
Hunter is focused on his transformers, bike riding, and bug finding. YUCK!
Well here are some pictures of our adventures at the lake. I have some videos of the storm and Heath got some of the lighting storm we had that same night. I will have to combine them and put them on you tube.

Yes my kids are swimming!

This is a Cat Fish we found floating in the lake. Heath took this picture just for John. We might have to catch you one and send up to you. I did not realize they get this big!

Super Hunter!


Such a serious look!

Heather's frog

Hunter showing off his sunburn

Jan Lee after a long day at the Lake. She ended up pretty sunburned to. I now have two white spots on my back because I had my sun tattoo worked on again and they started the moon on my left shoulder so they both were covered in sunblock. I am wondering how long it will take the spots to catch up with the rest of my body!

Superstar! She rocks these glasses!

He looks a little mad.

Well that it is it for now I will try to work on those videos for you guys but my time has been limited due to working the late shift. I am not liking it but the extra pay is nice.


Stan Harrington said...

Been watching your weather on the weather service site, some pretty ugly stuff happenbing in the plains. Glad to hear the the kids have taken to the water, even if there are some big ugly cat fish and frogs in their swimming hole. By the time they get up hear, they will be aclimated to Nebraska and will probably freeze up hear. Looking forwartd to the visit from all of you. Great pictures.

Princess Sarah said...

Love the pictures...cant wait to see the video. Sure do miss you all and want to come down so bad. Just be careful with the tornado's, I know you want to see one, but look out. Oh and get a pic of the new tat!

Golden Granny said...

Thanks for the pics. I'm looking forward to seeing the kids real soon. Be careful - I'm very worried about your weather. I do still envy you your heat tho. oh yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing Heath and you too!! :)

john r mclay said...

That DID look like a big ol' Stanley catfish! It probably wasn't even 8 years old, either. Should I be surprised if Heath hasn't caught one alive?
I ended up with a King HEAD when we arrived in LA, so you can expect some salmon to arrive in the mail soon.